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Marie Curie Cancer Care


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Hi Lads/Lasses,


I know its a bit cheeky, but if you don't ask, you don't get.


In February 2008, my missus and her mate, who are both Marie Curie Cancer Nurses, will be attempting a 250km dog sledding expedition in the Arctic Circle, in aid of cancer patients. Every penny raised will be used by our local cancer hospice to give a secure and peaceful final few weeks for patients and their families.


I understand that we all get bombarded by charities all the time, but if you get a minute, perhaps you could take a quick look:




Anyone who would prefer an alternative method to making an online donation can send cheques or postal orders, made out to 'MARIE CURIE' TO:


Sarah Deacon

Marie Curie Hospice

Speke Road

Woolton Village


L25 8QA


Thanks again to all, its appreciated.


Thank You. :lol:

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my mum cam down with breast cancer 2 years ago, and the marie curie nurses are a valuable part of a long term cancer patient slife in most cases, as im at college my sister is a full time carer, as my dad works up country(surrey), and we live in devon. without marie curie nurses my sister would have no time off. so please help in what is a very worthy cause. and good luck to ur wife deako, i hope she enjoys it thouroughly and raises the amount they hoped for :lol:


yours sincerely

thomas gordon

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PM me your mailing address and I will throw in a tenner :lol:


If your wife wants some info on the dog sledding, let me know as I ran and taught sledding for 12 years. I can dig some stuff up for her on ways of running a sled etc. and mail it over to her. Also if she is interested in doing a short trip a 1 or 2 nighter to get the feel of it there are some very good outfitters here running in Algonquin Park.



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Thank you for your kind gesture :lol: I'll let 'er indoors' know !


We actually spent a day with an outfit last February, can't remember exactly where now(Canmore?), but it was around an hours drive from Banff, beautiful area even though it was -20! They stressed to us the importance of getting fluid into the dogs by giving them a bowl of the most watery soup ever. They wouldn't touch it until you threw in a tiny scrap of meat, then they drank the lot just to get to the little morsel! :lol:


We had a great day, and I think thats what prompted the girls to do this trip for the charity. You have a really beautiful country there mate, I'm very envious. :sick:

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Thanks lads, it appreciated. Just need her to get all the car boot sale stuff out of the garage now! :D


Liverpool Football Club donated a signed shirt for them to auction, but its been hidden from me with a warning to keep away from it! :o



Liverpool Football Club donated a signed shirt


That might fetch a tenner :):no::yes::lol:



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A very worthy cause, donation made.


I’m writing this in my best scouse accent. :rolleyes:


The Marie Curie Hospice in Liverpool took care of my brother who died a few years ago. Andrew spent a few days in the Hospice so my parents could get some rest and make some alterations to their house. When he came home we then had 2 nights a week with a Marie Curie nurse in our family home, who not only looked after Andrew but also cared emotionally for my parents, and when I was home me too. Being able to talk to someone and have someone capable and practical in their home saved them in more ways than one. As a family we could not thank Marie Curie enough.


I have every respect for your wife Deako. It must be a very hard job, but one that not only makes a difference to the cancer sufferer but to their families too.


Jonsey (too far from home)


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Thank you Jonesy. :)


Very sorry to hear of your loss :lol: ..what really struck me recently was the fact that there are so many young people in the hospice...I just can't get my head around it when she comes home and says "We lost such and such a person today, she was only 19" :rolleyes::good: ...seen a lot of stuff in my previous job, but this just makes me so sad. :/


I've asked Teal (or any of the other mods) to make this a 'sticky' for a while if he will be so kind. :lol:

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Hi Lads/Lasses,


I know its a bit cheeky, but if you don't ask, you don't get.


In February 2008, my missus and her mate, who are both Marie Curie Cancer Nurses, will be attempting a 250km dog sledding expedition in the Arctic Circle, in aid of cancer patients. Every penny raised will be used by our local cancer hospice to give a secure and peaceful final few weeks for patients and their families.


I understand that we all get bombarded by charities all the time, but if you get a minute, perhaps you could take a quick look:




Thank You. :/


Hi Deako, I am off at the moment recovering from chemo and rad treatment, went down with it in the throat and have first hand knowledge of the priceless work the nurses do, all the very best to your wifes efforts, god bless her and all the people out there raising funds. :D

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