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how much would u pay for a days shooting


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Just be aware there is a lot more to it you will need insurances i don't know exactly what you need but i have seen a post on here a while back about it have a search think it was earlier this year




as to your question i have never paid butt looking at paid shooting on here it ranges from £20-£80 per day

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hi colin, i thought as long as they have shooting insurance it would be ok, and no i wouldnt be getting any money out of it as before i asked him if he would just let me take the odd person on the land without mentioning anything about money but i guess he has nothing to gain from letting me take people on apart from the risk of problems so thats why i mentioned about money to him

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he is a friend of mine but i can see what u mean, and i was only seeing if i could take a few people off here shooting with me cos i know what its like to have no permission and been as i have a large permission stuffed with vermin i thought i might be able to help, but i guess there is also a risk of people turning up without me so thinking about it it might not be a great idea :( it just gets a bit boring on your own sometimes

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how do the people who sell pigeon shooting days do it

all I can say is like everything in life , there are only two ways to do something ..... the right ( legitimate way ) or the wrong way ( not legitimate )


just bare in mind if you chose to do it the wrong way ( im in no way implying you would ever dream of doing that ) , ie no insurance ect ect you could run in to problem if there is an accident or if there is damage or harm caused to livestock blah blah blah .


im very very far from an expert in these matters , someone on here will be able to give you much better advice than I could ever give . but from my own past experiences , doing anything that involves paying members of the public has the potential to be a legal nightmare , then you have the HMRC ..... but that's another can of worms .


like said its all about just how far you want to take it , to be able to give your customers the best experience you can on the day , but also to cover your own butt if it goes belly up .

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to be honest i just thought that if they had shooting insurance thats all they would need, didnt think there would be that much envolved so its a good job we found out before doing anything about it, i will just tell him to forget about it, thanks for the heads up and i will just ask him if i can just find a shooting buddy to take with me so i dont get bored :(

Edited by chris1983
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to be honest i just thought that if they had shooting insurance thats all they would need, didnt think there would be that much envolved so its a good job we found out before doing anything about it, i will just tell him to forget about it, thanks for the heads up and i will just ask him if i can just find a shooting buddy to take with me so i dont get bored :(

you would need to double check , but im fairly confident that your insurance , by that I mean your personal BASC cover for instance , would not cover you in the event of someone hurting themselves on your shoot as a paying customer , you need a liability cover for X amount of paying members of the public , HOWEVER .... that is defiantly worth a phone call to BASC or whoever your with . they will put you right , taking the word of an old **** like me or others is the worse thing you could do , real advice in this matter is only a phone call or an email away to the relevant people .

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to be honest i just thought that if they had shooting insurance thats all they would need, didnt think there would be that much envolved so its a good job we found out before doing anything about it, i will just tell him to forget about it, thanks for the heads up and i will just ask him if i can just find a shooting buddy to take with me so i dont get bored :(

Chris why don't you mentor a newbie and bring someone new into the sport. You will be showing him the ropes and then develope into your shooting buddy. I'm know there are plenty of guys out there who would appreciate the opportunity and respect you for it. Then hopefully you will have someone you know you can trust.

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Chris why don't you mentor a newbie and bring someone new into the sport. You will be showing him the ropes and then develope into your shooting buddy. I'm know there are plenty of guys out there who would appreciate the opportunity and respect you for it. Then hopefully you will have someone you know you can trust.

now that is a great idea , that way you truly are giving someone less fortunate a great opportunity , just set out some good ground rules . and stick to them !


please don't take this the wrong way , as im in no way trying to cause offence or disrespect , but if your charging for the shooting , are you really helping out the less fortunate or are they just a customer ?


wish you all the best what ever route you take ,

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The question was "how much would you pay for a days shooting"

So it depends if you are going through an agent or someone who has a small buisness and charges for the services provided, transport, decoys hides etc. Or if you invite some one to shoot either with you or on your permision land and then tell them a cost.

Is there a definitive answer to this ?

Are you trying to set yourself up as an agent or buisness and want to find out the lay of the land to know what to charge.


I am sure like myself many of us on PW have access to some "free" shooting and as a thank you gesture give the owner some payment in kind, oven preped birds, a bottle or hamper at christmas as examples.


As mentioned all sorts of problems could pop up but do you really want to lose your own free shooting if the land owner finds out that you are charging for something you are been given for free.

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The question was "how much would you pay for a days shooting"

So it depends if you are going through an agent or someone who has a small buisness and charges for the services provided, transport, decoys hides etc. Or if you invite some one to shoot either with you or on your permision land and then tell them a cost.

Is there a definitive answer to this ?

Are you trying to set yourself up as an agent or buisness and want to find out the lay of the land to know what to charge.


I am sure like myself many of us on PW have access to some "free" shooting and as a thank you gesture give the owner some payment in kind, oven preped birds, a bottle or hamper at christmas as examples.


As mentioned all sorts of problems could pop up but do you really want to lose your own free shooting if the land owner finds out that you are charging for something you are been given for free.

it was the land owners idea to charge not mine, i just asked if i could take a few people off here to get them a bit of shooting but he didnt seem to bothered so thats the reason i mentioned to him that people might be willing to pay, thats all

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