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Vulpes vulpes


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Here is a fox that i shot last week using the correct calibre rifle.


I have been after this fox for a month,could not seem to get a safe shot on to it and it was ambushing ducks that where on the side of the pond.


This fox was lamp shy.

When it saw my 4x4 it ran.

IR shy.

The sneaky *** even new my comings and goings.


I decided to wait in some bushes that were on a high elevation and my view was an old sheep carcass that it also had been feeding on and sure enough it came trotting across the field as it was a light night.


It got about 100 yrds from me and then stopped i think it scented my Brutt 33 but it was to late,i sent a Winchester silver tip.


Then had a cup of tea...


Best Regards


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You are in some danger of becoming a pariah with unnecessary comments like that about the calibre.

It's a dead fox have you got nothing positive to say.


I think i am already not liked n here but i just expressed my opinion that's all.


I was stating i was using the correct calibre for fox control so why is that unnecessary?

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Here is a fox that i shot last week using the correct calibre rifle.


I have been after this fox for a month,could not seem to get a safe shot on to it and it was ambushing ducks that where on the side of the pond.


This fox was lamp shy.

When it saw my 4x4 it ran.

IR shy.

The sneaky *** even new my comings and goings.


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//]]> IMG_2035.JPG to wait in some bushes that were on a high elevation and my view was an old sheep carcass that it also had been feeding on and sure enough it came trotting across the field as it was a light night.


It got about 100 yrds from me and then stopped i think it scented my Brutt 33 but it was to late,i sent a Winchester silver tip.


Then had a cup of tea...


Best Regards

come on we know what you're getting at,but no such thing as the right calibre for fox, as many do the job the job satisfactory if placed in the right place!
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I agree with JDog. your being a complete tool about right calibre choice for fox if they drop dead it must work

So i am a tool for having an opinion...there are lots of people on here with one,

come on we know what you're getting at,but no such thing as the right calibre for fox, as many do the job the job satisfactory if placed in the right place!

Do you like the picture ???

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OK now i am confused,we all know that the 22lr can kill a fox at short range and it does say in the home office guidance.


But when i ask the police for a 17 hornet they told me they would only authorise 222.223.22-250 for fox control and that is why i am saying the 22lr is the wrong calibre for foxes.


Please read i found it off another forum..


Ok, so hands up, who wants to be the test case in court??

This same question came up (on another forum?) a while ago and the same answer applies.

There is no definition in law which includes fox as vermin. FACT.

Until a test case is brought and the courts decide on the matter then that is the way it is, like it or not.

You are governed by the conditions on your license and if your local police authority will not allow rimfire for foxes then tough luck, I hope you have plenty of time and deep pockets if you want to challenge that.

So the answer is:

There is no specific law preventing the use of .22 or .17hmr against foxes.
There is no case law defining foxes as vermin.
Your police force determine what you can and cannot shoot with whatever calibre.
Get caught trying to be a smart **** and interpreting the wording of your license in ways which you know go against the policy of the issuing authority and you may lose your license, they are judge and jury.
Read more at http://forums.shootinguk.co.uk/showthread.php?4174-It-s-legal-to-shoot-fox-with-a-22-rimfire#xwviM4kX7SEZSo0w.99

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Whilst there are ways and ways of saying things, and this way was not perhaps the best, Some calibres are more appropriate for certain types of shooting, otherwise we all would just have .22lr.

I think that was all Youngie was trying to say but I wouldnt put words in anyone's mouth.


Many forces will not approve .22 and .17HMR for fox. .22 hornet and up, seems the calibre of choice from the police for fox. There is a forensic evaluation of damage by different calibres which guides the police.

We all aim to kill instantly with a single, well-placed shot so the calibre should be up to that job, in the circumstances a shooter may come across his quarry.

I have shot foxes with a .22 but at a range of maybe 4", in a trap.

I would prefer to see foxes shot with .22CF/shotguns used correctly and not .22 lr which I think could be less than humane in certain circumstances - I'm not criticisng the OP but one shot and dead is what I always try for.

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Nice picture youngie :good: it look a little week for me as I like my tea a little stronger.


























Nice fox by the way

I have just the the brew for you :yahoo::yahoo:

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Whilst there are ways and ways of saying things, and this way was not perhaps the best, Some calibres are more appropriate for certain types of shooting, otherwise we all would just have .22lr.

I think that was all Youngie was trying to say but I wouldnt put words in anyone's mouth.


Many forces will not approve .22 and .17HMR for fox. .22 hornet and up, seems the calibre of choice from the police for fox. There is a forensic evaluation of damage by different calibres which guides the police.

We all aim to kill instantly with a single, well-placed shot so the calibre should be up to that job, in the circumstances a shooter may come across his quarry.

I have shot foxes with a .22 but at a range of maybe 4", in a trap.

I would prefer to see foxes shot with .22CF/shotguns used correctly and not .22 lr which I think could be less than humane in certain circumstances - I'm not criticisng the OP but one shot and dead is what I always try for.

Thanks Kes

Some good advice there :yes:

I just made a mistake in being sarcastic on a previous post did not mean anything by it if anything tried to protect the poster of a potential error as i have made a few.Pumping a full mag of rim fire slugs into a fox got the better of me.


Been threatened with being an out cast,been called a tool and to be honest i could not give one.


Best Regards

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ok guys any comments from all the educated ones on here.


Might not get much activity on this thread as i think i may have been whats the word......oh yes pariah that's it.


PS... I still have Game bore stamped into the side of my face..... :lol: :lol:

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Out and out foxing, .22 hornet and above is the way to go, as said above, but if out after rabbits with .22 or .17 hmr and Charlie shows up, then crack on if shot represents itself!


.17 Remington, .17 fireball and any amount of .20 calibres are smaller calibres that the .22 hornet and more than capable, most are in fact a better choice.

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You must be a inexperienced shooter mate ( newbie to rifles) !!

Any experienced shooter will & can shoot fox's with a 22lr with great effect & at a bit more than 40yds too . :good:

CBA with it any more.

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