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Applying for SGC


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i find it astonishing that you need permission from your wife to have a gun and shoot , maybe im old fashioned , but , it wouldnt even occur to me to need to ask permission to do anything at all that was decent , honest , legal , affordable , and safe , i would obviously tell her that i was doing it as that is just sensible and polite but i would never even think that i had to ask permission .


then again , neither would i ever consider sneaking behind her back to do something , that would just make me a liar and a cheat and the type of person that could not be trusted with a gun !.


is it just me or does anyone else find this thread quite alarming ? , wanting to have an interview with the police that your wife doesnt know about and then sneaking a gun and ammunition into the house that she also doesnt know about .


to the op , you may be a perfectly reasonable and decent guy and i apologize unreservedly if you are , but , to me you scream nutcase .

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Thanks Mel


I'm not going to sneak behind her back and I'm certainly not a nut case.


I used to have 5 shot guns, just looking for any assistance to help me get back in to shooting.

hi will,



like i said , you may be perfectly decent and reasonable , but , that just isnt the way that your posts comes across at all.


the fact that your wife seems so dead set against you having a gun in your possession rings alarm bells as to why.(yes i know that their could be many valid reasons)


the fact that you want to have your police interview without your wifes knowledge rings alarm bells as to why , it also makes you look like a deceptive , sneaky , liar , that will deliberately deceive your wife and a police officer that is checking your suitability to be trusted with a firearm.(for this their is no valid reasons ) , you may be a violent person that is a threat to your wife or others (and only your wife knows this), or , you may be a suicide risk (and only your wife knows this).


the fact that you will(or feel the need to) have a firearm and ammunition in your home without your wife knowing rings massive alarm bells.


like i said , you might be a perfectly nice chap and suitable person to be in charge of firearms and i sincerely hope you are , BUT, that just isnt the way your posts come across.


mel :good:

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Total agree with you, the stupid thing was last year for Xmas my present from her was a days clay pigeon shoot and flying birds of prey, she even brought me a tweed shooting coat.


I brought us a disco 3 and she loves all that and even wears the Barbour jackets.

where abouts in the uk are you out of interest

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Thanks Mel


I'm not going to sneak behind her back and I'm certainly not a nut case.


I used to have 5 shot guns, just looking for any assistance to help me get back in to shooting.


If its what you want to do-just go and do it. She might kick up a fuss initially,but whats the worst that can happen?


She will simply have to get over it.

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about time you grew a pair and told her how things stand matey.....




Now MY missus on the other hand......


came clay shooting with me...just to button you understand



a year later she has a 12g and a .410 plus daystate mk4 .177 plus air pistol....


AND she is as good a shot at 60% on clays as me.....bear in mind that she had NEVER shot ANYTHING before ...........


we are soon going to need a BIGGER cabinet.....

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You could take a different view of this situation and go along the lines of if she is not permitted to know where the keys are due to not being authorised then maybe she also should not know what you have and where for a higher level of security. "Need to know basis" type of thing. Just a different way of looking glass half full kinda thing.

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