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This was taken by a local photographer not myself , but while out walking with the wife have seen similar images in the wood behind the house .


A few probably seen it already, but Thought i would share with the pw massive. :)


The forest of dean seem to have exploded with pigs now and a lot want them totally eradicated, personally i like to see them , they can get a bit grumpy sometimes if you disturb them while out walking, but i would rather see them compared to the sheep :lol:




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Coming from Australia where we have wild pigs I can tell you if they are left to continue to breed it will end up a disaster.


They kill and eat any thing they can get to in including live stock.


Carry disease and root up pastures and will destroy newly growing tree saplings.


They are dangerous and will attack people and pets.


One of the best methods to find and hunt/cull pigs in Australia is to use dogs. The dogs are protected with full body armour and still can get hurt from there tusks. All the doggers I know carry first aid kits for there dogs. Main item is a large needle and thread to sow up there dogs after they have been gourd.


I don't us dogs but I do use a Winchester 30 30, 7 shot leaver action on them. I also use a 12g with OO/SG buck shot but I can tell you pigs from 70kg up take some dropping if the shot is not on. Its taken up to 3 shots to drop big pigs that's why I mainly use the 30 30.


Pigs grow fast and breed up to 3 times a year. They don't take long to get out of control.


The only thing good about them is they are fast and fun to hunt.........

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Coming from Australia where we have wild pigs I can tell you if they are left to continue to breed it will end up a disaster.


They kill and eat any thing they can get to in including live stock.


Carry disease and root up pastures and will destroy newly growing tree saplings.


They are dangerous and will attack people and pets.


Opinions here in the Forest of Dean are hotly divided. But the boar are now invading gardens and raiding rubbish bins in the towns too. Thankfully I haven't had any in my garden (yet) but they have uprooted the grass verge just 10 yards from my gate. The situation has now been reached where I feel very uncomfortable walking my dog in the forest. (She's a Springer, and loves to go into the thick of the woods). I might add that the Forest of Dean is a recreational area with lots of walkers, etc. It is only a matter of time, with the increasing boar population that a child is going to get badly hurt or killed.


My wife is a teacher, and a little while ago a boar was in the school playground. Last week, a neighbour had a boar in her garden. In both cases the authorities were called in and the boar shot.





Pigs grow fast and breed up to 3 times a year. They don't take long to get out of control.


The only thing good about them is they are fast and fun to hunt.........


The Forestry Commission "guesstimate" that we now have 894 boar in the Forest of Dean based on surveys. The residents know that the population is probably a few thousand. And.... we are not allowed to hunt boar in the forest. The Forestry Commission do a cull each year of a couple of hundred, The "antis" go around destroying the metal high chairs by sawing them up, and the Forestry Commission people have had death threats.


The whole situation is out of hand.



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