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Lovely few hours

aga man

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I was contacted by one of my Farmers during the week to say he had been spraying the Rape and noticed a lot of pigeons lifting from bare patches in the crop, and he asked if i would be able to get up there and have a go.


Of course i told him i would get up there as soon as i could.


I was away caravaning last weekend so had a fair bit of work to catch up on and the wife has had prolems with her mum being ill this week so juggling things and the kids off on half term, getting up to the fields has

been tricky.


By lunchtime today i had some time to go up and have a look. There is a good wind forecast for sunday so i thought i would reccy the rape and also some chitted peas and a field of freshly drilled beans.

Suprisingly the only crop that had any pigeon interest was the rape.


While i watched today it was obvious that there was plenty of birds about but no really strong lines anywhere.

As i watched a stiff breeze picked up and the rape was so patchy i was able to drive around the headlands to the far hedge where i have shot before and would be ideal for the breeze at my back.


I was at a loose end i rang the wife and sounded her out about her plans for the afternoon and to my suprise she said all was fine and she was at her mums with the children. "you can go shooting if you like".


She didn't have to say it twice and i was back home for some kit. I arrived at my chosen spot and it was clear the rape hasn't done well here, poor establishment, rabbits moorhens etc have all played part but of course the farmer swears it's all pigeon damage.


I set up my home made magnet with two pre mounted frozen deads and it wasn't long before the first bird arrrived and paid the price. i added dead birds to the decoys on cradle and sticks. Sport was steady from here on and a much stronger line started up on the neighbours rape which i don't shoot.


Never the less i had a great afternoon and pigeons that did come by decoyed very well. I tried some 24gm no7 fiocchi shells this afternoon and i have to say at 30 yds the killed very well and were comfortable to shoot in only a shirt. [& trousers of course].


I set up at 1pm and finished at 5.30pm and picked 38 of the 41 pigeons i shot.

Not a huge bag but a truly lovely few hours in the sunshine.





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You have a very understanding 'other half'. Having said that after a weeks caravanning I would have thought that some time apart would be appropriate.


That was a good bag in pleasant conditions. You will have been out in worse for less.

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You have a very understanding 'other half'. Having said that after a weeks caravanning I would have thought that some time apart would be appropriate.


That was a good bag in pleasant conditions. You will have been out in worse for less.

Sounds like you have experience of caravanning :unhappy:



A nice bag, Aga. I am not at all surprised that the pigeons are on the rape rather than the peas.

I expect my next decent bag to come from rape or the last of the drillings.

Cheers motty, looking forward to your reports :good:



Well done , I had a ride around my farms today and there were more on rape than peas , not enough to tempt me to set up though .

Your rape looks a bit behind mine which is already coming into flower.

Cheers fb, most of our rape is starting to flower now but this field is struggling, hopefully a bit more shooting to come off it yet :good:

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Posted 10 April 2015 - 08:04 PM

Nice going and still not a bad bag atb


nice clean looking birds



a very nice result mate , looks like we both had a similar day



what more can you ask for, good weather, good shooting, good bag :good:



Thanks chap's :good:

Edited by aga man
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