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Getting on my wick now


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Had a bout of man flu around four weeks ago now and got very congested. Tried some Sudafed and although not bad stuff, they tend to keep me awake even if I take the last one early afternoon. Chemist can't seem to offer any further help.

Anyhow, cold well and truly gone but it seems to have taken my senses of smell and taste with it. Normally these senses return as the cold goes.

I like my food so find this very frustrating. There is no set pattern to this; one morning I think my senses are returning only to lose them again by dinnertime.

Had a spot of St Agur yesterday and taste buds weren't too bad, today, so so. Had a JalFrezi the other night and couldn't smell or taste a thing; had a coffee down town this morning and was mostly ok, now again, nothing.

Can breathe through my nose no problem, just can't smell or taste anything. At least my Landrover smells ok. There's always an upside. :)

Remedies anyone?

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Guest Mick.j

A good hot chilli con carne does it for me rather than a curry. Also a wee nip before hitting the sack. A few drops of Olbas oil in a tissue next to where i sleep also helps the breathing while asleep

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How is that possible? You could soak mine in bleach and it would still smell of dirty dog.

Ah, you must have modified it then. reinstate the factory door gaps and all will be well. It's natural aircon built in from new. LR think of everything :good:

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Had a bout of man flu around four weeks ago now and got very congested. Tried some Sudafed and although not bad stuff, they tend to keep me awake even if I take the last one early afternoon. Chemist can't seem to offer any further help.

Anyhow, cold well and truly gone but it seems to have taken my senses of smell and taste with it. Normally these senses return as the cold goes.

I like my food so find this very frustrating. There is no set pattern to this; one morning I think my senses are returning only to lose them again by dinnertime.

Had a spot of St Agur yesterday and taste buds weren't too bad, today, so so. Had a JalFrezi the other night and couldn't smell or taste a thing; had a coffee down town this morning and was mostly ok, now again, nothing.

Can breathe through my nose no problem, just can't smell or taste anything. At least my Landrover smells ok. There's always an upside. :)

Remedies anyone?


Same ... Same ...... First time I have lost my sense of taste .... been prescribed steroid nasal spray ... not worked so far.

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Caught mine off my granddaughter for the first time 3 months ago, it was just starting to clear when we had another visit. Guess what.............another one, had it for around two months. Congested can't breathe and can't sleep properly because of this. Thought it was clearing up but it came back with a vengeance. GD is 4 ears old and started half day school this year. As any parent will know they catch everything that's going around and I cannot not give her her cuddle and squeeze when we visit.


Can't take much for it due to other meds and what I have taken is useless


Its not gone yet but congestion and breathing have improved, sense of smell not a problem not been able to smell anything in years. If I can smell something the rest of the world must be in olfactory pain. (just as an aside; I would have been poisoned 4 times over because of really duff chickens from the usual suspects. However Mrs S has a good nose and picks up on things like that from 20 metres).


Just hope the next time we visit she is ok and not picked anything else up poor little mite.

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Do you have a need to constantly clear your throat by coughing? if so could be post nasal drip caused by rhinitis, normally the aftermath of a heavy cold...should clear up as the weather improves...just stick with the decongestants

Not constantly, no. Not since cold has gone anyhow. 'Post nasal drip' sounds awfully moist. :ninja: Will give the Sudafed another go.

Many thanks all.

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My Grandchidren are a major source of bugs. Youngest got scarlet fever a while ago. Both OH and I were ill after she coughed all over us while minding her. OH got better I went straight into another bout of bronchitis. Last time I had bronchitis it took 2 lots of antibiotics to make any impression on it. This time had to have steroids as well. Went clay shooting today for the first time in 6 weeks. Glorious day really enjoyed it although a rubbish score. Absolutely shattered after as no stamina at all yet, but worth it. :)

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I had this,


Lost my taste and smell on Boxing Day,


Took 8 weeks for it to return fully.


Normally if I lose it after a heavy cold it's a couple of days max, but this was horrible,


Just like chewing cardboard or crispy cardboard,


It came back over about 5 days, it was bliss just being able to taste,


Food never tasted or smelt so good,


I will never take taste or smell for granted again.



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