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Early morning crow bashing


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Since one of the farms where I shoot has cleared the silage over the last few days I decided that an early morning outing on Saturday was in order. When the alarm went off at 3.45 a.m I questioned my sanity but decided that as I didnt have any it was time to get out with the gun. Set up and shooting by 4.45 with a few in the bag early on. All quiet after a couple of hours so moved and set up in another field. Good shooting for a couple of hours but then all quiet again. With 200 acres of cleared fields there was to much choice for the birds. Called it a day at 12.00 with a mixed bag of 56 crows, rooks and jackdaws and 3 magpies. An enjoyable few hours.



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What choke and cartridge were you using?

1/2 choke with power pigeon (or pigeon power) as I can never remember which way round. 29 / 6s. To be fair I always used to swear by 32 / 5s or 6s but gave the 29/6s a try and had good results. Generally I try and get the little blighters within 30 yards before letting them have some lead.


Well done a decent bag, well worth the effort

Cheers buddy


Result mate..


Well shot.

Thanks mate

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