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Scope leveling


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I have that kit and while it's OK it's not great. A better way (if your scope has a flat base) is a set of sliding wedges like this,




That being said, I mount mine by eye then check them with the level and they are pretty much dead on.

Edited by phaedra1106
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Blimey £60

That's a tiny spirit level, well ok 2. Save your money !!!


When I do mine I level the rifles action 1st in a ridged clamp or bi-pod Then place scope in the mounts loosely tighten so its movable, as mentioned use a plumbob to check the scope is perfectly level and correct eye relief. Gradually tightening the mount screws, checking its all level as you go.


PS don't use the mounts as a level point unless you have checked them 1st

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Another reliable way.......sight through your scope at the right angled junction on a door frame or wall / pillar interface!


If it's good enough for the average British builder, it's good enough for the average British rabbit!




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Another reliable way.......sight through your scope at the right angled junction on a door frame or wall / pillar interface!


If it's good enough for the average British builder, it's good enough for the average British rabbit!





That's what I used do, but my scopes were off true because the door frame was wonkey! :lol:


I now use a bipod for the HMR and sight on a plumb line 20m distant. Failsafe and reliable method providing the ground that the bipod is on is level.

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