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A Grand Day Out.....again.


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Picked up mate at 0630 in another shoot mates van and off we went for our annual trip to Hi-Fly (with a slight detour) and snuck into Tebay West via Orton village for a full English while we watched the early morning ducks feeding in the pond.

We usually get lost once we've turned off for Nateby despite the number of years we've been coming here as all the lanes and fields appear the same and the hatchery isn't signposted at all for obvious reasons, and we've asked so many locals for directions we're almost on first name terms with most of Preesall :yes: but this time I was given some better instructions and after just one minor 'blip' we were there in no time.

I usually keep an eye out for a particular looking turbine but as **** law would have it the blades had collapsed in the recent high winds so all that remained was the pillar.

Anyhow, after being shown our birds mate and me swapped them all from their crates to ours; a bit of a smelly job but it didn't tai eus long, and not one escapee.

We were on our way back by 0930 and the little detour took us past Malmo Guns as chance would have it. :yes:

I'd gone with a specific gun in mind and mate wanted some ammo, but you've always gotta have a ratch haven't you? I found a few Baikel MP153's but although no longer than my own auto I didn't feel they balanced the same, but a serious contender for another day perhaps. There was a synthetic X2 in there also, but not for me.

Mate found a lovely high grade Miroku for less than a grand which came up bang on the button. It had very minor cabinet marks but the blueing on the barrels was that intensely deep lustrous blue and looked as if it had just been done yesterday.

The 6500 Trap had been sold, which didn't surprise me, but the Grand European (my main reason for calling in) was still there and after checking some confusion regarding the constrictions and all else was ok, we did a deal.

Was getting this for a mate who is always wanting to swap his 101 for mine and finds it hard to miss with it, so in order to get mine back (and another I had sold to him some time ago on the understanding I could have first refusal) it was necessary to get him his own GE.

In discussing Winchesters with one of the staff he told me he had a red leather and wood motor case for a GE 'through the back' :yahoo: so another deal was done and I am now fair chuffed.

No visit is worthy of the name without a ratch in the 'cave' where all manner of rarities and obscure gems can be found, including a very old but serviceable Beretta 'Silver Pigeon' pump and a very nice Ithaca M37 20 bore Featherlite. Also found a plain but very practical Winchester Ranger and a pair of barrels (pic's to come) the like of which I'd never seen before. They were ou, fluted and ported, joined only at the muzzles and the lumps and very short.

By chance the owner was in the shop, having dropped them in for some work, so I asked him what they belonged to and he kindly asked me if I'd like to see the rest of the gun which was in his car (does a bear poop in the woods!) so off we went for a peruse.

There are some very very nice guns in Malmo at the moment.

After coming away I realised I'd forgotten to ask for a look at the S&W pump, but i think we're going back down shortly, as mate may be doing a deal, so if it's still there, maybe then.

Back home and showed birds around their new home and with the exception of one casualty, they seem content enough.

Mate very happy with his new purchase, and rightly so.




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Anyone know what this is? I hadn't a clue.

IMG_0643_zps9mbrtr3i.jpgHe also has another set of barrels to go with this, but these are his Skeet ones. I was quite smitten with this gun; it handled unbelievably well and it would be superb as a bolting bunny gun.

Have never seen one of these before and wasn't aware they existed.


Sorry, that second pic should be of the barrels.


Which reminds me; I had a look at a F3 and honestly wasn't aware of any barrel bulges at the muzzle, though admittedly I didn't take it out of the rack for a closer look.

Edited by Scully
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well done Scully you got two things a 101 back and a case good day I have a good friend lives at Barbon near Kirby Lonesdale next time I visit will let you know bring a few 101 swap stories.


BRNO Remember them very popular and tough 2 triggers back fired boyh barrels not at once many like that people used to saw off the front one many guns before m/c had 2 barrels BRNO pressed in the spring loaded hinge pins to change barrels. Used to be a member of a clay club in Wilmslow a guy had one with the short ported barrels a bit of noise if you stood near him he did all his game shooting with it as well

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well done Scully you got two things a 101 back and a case good day I have a good friend lives at Barbon near Kirby Lonesdale next time I visit will let you know bring a few 101 swap stories.


BRNO Remember them very popular and tough 2 triggers back fired boyh barrels not at once many like that people used to saw off the front one many guns before m/c had 2 barrels BRNO pressed in the spring loaded hinge pins to change barrels. Used to be a member of a clay club in Wilmslow a guy had one with the short ported barrels a bit of noise if you stood near him he did all his game shooting with it as well

Thankyou. Yes, it was a good little day all-round; don't mind talking about 101's anytime.

Since seeing the one yesterday have had a google and have found many with two triggers, but the gentleman whose I saw yesterday had a single trigger, so wonder if the front one has been removed or it came like that.

He had a bit of bother pressing in the hinge pins to mount the barrels and said sometimes they go in no bother at all and other times only after a few skinned, trapped fingers or a blood blister or two. :) He said he also has a Miroku Sporter but finds himself more often than not taking the BRNO. Unconventional mechanism pushes the barrels away from the breech slightly before pivoting down. Very well made and incredibly sturdy looking bit of kit.

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That Grand European is stunning. The case looks great too.

Health to enjoy.

Thankyou very much.

The stock was 'sweating' when I got it and the bloke who does the woodwork says someone had used a mineral based oil on the stock rather than a vegetable based one. All is as it should be now.

I'd have made you a coffee if I'd known you were in Preesall Scully :)

Many thanks; will call in next June. :yes:

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Nope....int this fun? :)

It's a BRNO.


Sorry, I am at work and watching Le Mans, I used to have one of these for skeet!


I would have answered earlier!



Scully, what is in the 3 boxes under the Grand European in its new box.

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I rather like the look of the engraving on that BRNO, not sure about the ported barrels though.


The GE is a lovely looking gun. Never handled one but if it shoots anything like my mate`s Diamond Grade sporter I`m sure I`d like it.

I think the 'engraving' is pressed steel actually, but I may be wrong, but even if it is it is incredibly precise and well done.

My Diamond Grade Sporter was very nice to shoot, and it was cased also. The GE is much lighter and graceful being a game gun whereas the DG Sporter is quite chunkily heavy, making it a great swinger.

I tried to buy a cased GE off a PW member some years ago but needed a fresh vehicle at the time so that took priority, but some time later I got in touch with him again but he had changed his mind about selling it, but he ended up buying my cased DG in what must have looked like a shady deal in a sports field car park in Catterick. :) Nice bloke.

Thanks for the comments.

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Sorry, I am at work and watching Le Mans, I used to have one of these for skeet!


I would have answered earlier!



Scully, what is in the 3 boxes under the Grand European in its new box.

Sounds like the ideal job! Why did you sell it?

The 3 'boxes' are in fact 3 railway sleepers sawn in half; nothing exciting I'm afraid. They are to form the 'legs' of my shed come studio when ( if ) I get it started, concreted in on end so the building is suspended off the floor.

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I think the 'engraving' is pressed steel actually, but I may be wrong, but even if it is it is incredibly precise and well done.

My Diamond Grade Sporter was very nice to shoot, and it was cased also. The GE is much lighter and graceful being a game gun whereas the DG Sporter is quite chunkily heavy, making it a great swinger.

Thanks, engraving or pressed steel, whatever it is I like it :yes: . It seems quite unusual, certainly I can`t recall seeing anything quite like it.


Funny what we get used to isn`t it. I picked up my mate`s DG last week to try a couple of birds on a trap we were setting up. I`m sure I used to consider it quite a heavy gun but it felt as light as a feather compared to my MK38.

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Sounds like the ideal job! Why did you sell it?

The 3 'boxes' are in fact 3 railway sleepers sawn in half; nothing exciting I'm afraid. They are to form the 'legs' of my shed come studio when ( if ) I get it started, concreted in on end so the building is suspended off the floor.


I grew out of Skeet shooting! :rolleyes:


It was a cracking piece of kit, tulip chokes and tank muzzle breaks! :good:


I had guessed they might not be gun boxes! :lol:

Thanks, engraving or pressed steel, whatever it is I like it :yes: . It seems quite unusual, certainly I can`t recall seeing anything quite like it.


Funny what we get used to isn`t it. I picked up my mate`s DG last week to try a couple of birds on a trap we were setting up. I`m sure I used to consider it quite a heavy gun but it felt as light as a feather compared to my MK38.


I think it a simplified style off rolled "engraving"

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