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Beautiful gun. Did you actually knock anything down OR ... Have you spent all day drooling?

No, shed is down and 'flat packed' in skip; it's amazing what you can do with a reciprocating saw and a sledge hammer. :) Have been up since 0510; it's an age thing.

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Oh in that case, you obviously deserved to treat yourself for getting up that early and working so hard. :yes:

Ah, sorry, my fault; I think there may be a misunderstanding; the gun isn't mine unfortunately. Have just read back through thread and it does indeed come across that I've given the impression I've bought it, and now I think about it the title doesn't help either.

It isn't mine I'm afraid, as the owner will not sell under any circumstances unfortunately.

My apologies, I didn't intend to mislead anyone.

Still a cracking gun though eh? :)

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Nice bit of kit US originally I think they have a lot of 2 barrel sets If you interested look up Dawsons Doubles website in US he has loads of nice 101 you never saw over this side of the pond. He also wrote the history of the model 23 and has been asked many times to write the history of the 101 He knows more about history of that era than most.

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