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From Mrs Pavman


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I hope I have got this right, I told pavman I wished to send my friend Mrs NTTF a message via his PW logon, Anyway, your double hard shooting Pal has a much softer side! Came back from the pub lunchtime and fell asleep in my swing chair with our friends lickle snugly puppy the big softy, love from Shaz, Mrs Pavman


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Excellent Shaz,


I'll see if I can dig out the old photo of NTTF doing the Easter Bunny routine for the littles.







By Pavs post earlier I would say he was out shooting pigeons when he was suppose to be doing more of those jobs he put off during the fowling season. :good::):/:/



Easter Bunny?.......we dont need no stinking Easter bunny :good::good:



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I am indeed the innocent victim of a cruel and callas April fool,


Mrs P has fessed up and after some sole searching I conclude he who giveth must on occasion taketh!


Mrs P has been patently waiting for the end of Fowling season with a list of domestic Engineering projects in need of my attention. The long and short of it being I felt it was about time I had a little action the field and little less with the paint pots. To that end I skipped off and had nice little session at the farm, and then a few jars to discuss the days events in my local at Sunday lunch. I was late home and committed the cardinal sin of falling asleep during a visit from some friends, who just happen to own the pup. The pictures where a set up during my slumber and Mrs P fessed she was moved to extra ordinary lengths to try to get me to finish my jobs. With hindsight this would have been the sensible thing to do :good:


As there is no sporting content to the post I would ask for common sense to prevail and that Cranners remove it to avoid further embarrassment, Come on Cranners you don’t want to see old Pavman humiliated do you?

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For the benefit of all our members from all corners of the United Kingdom;


Here we have a stereotypical semi-retired North sea oil consultant from the East of England,


Notice the glint of the Gold teeth

Notice the figure of over indulgence

And not to forget- £100 river island combats for pigeon shooting


P.s Cranfield -will I breach PW data protection if I print this picture off for our club newsletter?




Name and address withheld for fear of reprisal

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For the benefit of all our members from all corners of the United Kingdom;


Here we have a stereotypical semi-retired North sea oil consultant from the East of England,


Notice the glint of the Gold teeth

Notice the figure of over indulgence

And not to forget- £100 river island combats for pigeon shooting


P.s Cranfield -will I breach PW data protection if I print this picture off for our club newsletter?




Name and address withheld for fear of reprisal


Its at times like this a man needs the full support of his friends Rob, I suspect the photos I retain from the bar we visited in Thailand and the subsequent dance you enjoyed with the errr lady will have no reason to surface into the public domain?

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I'm ashamed to say this is a friend of mine :good:


Do you wish to confess your part in this travesty and deformation of my good standing on PW???


im enjoying the fun, wasnt long ago someone was going to send me a bunch of garbage, so you see there is a god Pavman, your good lady has a great sence of character assasination mate :good::lol:




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I hope I have got this right, I told pavman I wished to send my friend Mrs NTTF a message via his PW logon, Anyway, your double hard shooting Pal has a much softer side! Came back from the pub lunchtime and fell asleep in my swing chair with our friends lickle snugly puppy the big softy, love from Shaz, Mrs Pavman

get rid of him and keep the dog

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I'm ashamed to say this is a friend of mine :good:


Do you wish to confess your part in this travesty and deformation of my good standing on PW???


im enjoying the fun, wasnt long ago someone was going to send me a bunch of garbage, so you see there is a god Pavman, your good lady has a great sence of character assasination mate :lol::lol:





Its not that funny Mart :good:

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For the benefit of all our members from all corners of the United Kingdom;


Here we have a stereotypical semi-retired North sea oil consultant from the East of England,


Notice the glint of the Gold teeth

Notice the figure of over indulgence

And not to forget- £100 river island combats for pigeon shooting


P.s Cranfield -will I breach PW data protection if I print this picture off for our club newsletter?




Name and address withheld for fear of reprisal


Its at times like this a man needs the full support of his friends Rob, I suspect the photos I retain from the bar we visited in Thailand and the subsequent dance you enjoyed with the errr lady will have no reason to surface into the public domain?


Don't start that one again pavman, Anyway at least mine did not have a moustashe.


it reminds me of that 90s poster were the semi naked mans holding the baby in his arms .dear mrs pavman you could make a killing if you was to blow it up poster size . i for one would love to have it hanging from my wall.get in touch with clinton cards is my advice. :rolleyes::lol: xxx suzy


Mrs Sweepy,

Pavman could'nt possibly star in any semi naked photo shoot- He could not hold his breath for that long.




I am up to 40 colour copies safely printed off now pavman.......


Just a little insurance.

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it reminds me of that 90s poster were the semi naked mans holding the baby in his arms .dear mrs pavman you could make a killing if you was to blow it up poster size . i for one would love to have it hanging from my wall.get in touch with clinton cards is my advice. :lol::lol: xxx suzy



Do I need to shake the crust out my camo Thong ready for the pics :rolleyes:

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