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A novices afternoon out.


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Mightymariner could not make this afternoon's planned session and in a way I am pleased he couldn't as it would have been a waste of his time.


The fields were rape stubble which had been cut a week ago and every time I looked there were 100 birds on them and a few joining. Prospects looked very good indeed.


As MM was unavailable I asked a friend along instead. He is just getting into clay shooting and has never shot anything live and I thought that it would be a good afternoon for him to make a start. Having spent some time explain about flight lines and hide positions we set up and for an hour we saw nothing close enough to shoot. My friend is a helicopter pilot so he should know his distances but I was amazed at the number of times he mounted his gun to birds crossing at 70 - 80m.


Much to my disappointment we packed up without him having shot a bird. Coming out of the field we were in we noticed a lot of birds in an adjacent field and he press ganged me into setting up again to see if we could manage to get him a pigeon. There wasn't an incoming line to our position but there was a return line. As experienced decoyers will know birds on a return line do not decoy as readily as ones going out to feed. However right on cue a bird came across the front of the hide and my companion shot it dead at 52 paces. It was probably 45m when he killed it. I would have been pleased with that shot myself.



Edited by JDog
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There might have been another member with the same initials who could have made it if he hadn't took his wife out for the day , you might well be thinking where did I take her ,.... well ill tell yer .


I had to charge my batteries up first ( magnet and me own ) , then loaded up my car with frozen and the fresh pigeons from yesterday , took them to the dealer which is around 40 miles from mine , dropped them off and moved on to Paddy Woods to pick up some cartridges and then went for a coffee , now you know how my marriage have lasted for 40 years and still going strong . :good:

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