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SABS's Shooting Tales 15/16

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OJW, on 15 Nov 2015 - 1:34 PM, said:snapback.png

As always really enjoyed your write up. I've been curious about Bodidris for a while so good to get a feel for it from you. Great pics as well.

Thanks good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif
I'm awaiting a few dates to return again in January. I'll let you know if you would like to join our team good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif


Please do, it would be great to join you for a day.

I also very much enjoyed the write up you just posted. Haha, and I thought I did a lot of shooting! Indy is quickly becoming one of my heros!

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Please do, it would be great to join you for a day.


I also very much enjoyed the write up you just posted. Haha, and I thought I did a lot of shooting! Indy is quickly becoming one of my heros!


I will be in touch when I receive some dates :good:

Glad you enjoyed my last day and its nice to know that Indy has a fan club :lol: She is nowhere near a fully trained gun dog and can, at times, be the devil on four legs :devil: But that being said, she is coming along nicely and I enjoy working her picking up.

Thanks for your kind comments :good:

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Crown Shoot
21st November 2015

There were a few guests in attendance this week, shooting in place of some regular guns who couldn't make the day for various reasons. Also Oxfordfowler and another guest (who's name escapes me) were guests of magman and Paul223. In addition to this, there was another guest who bought the day in a charity auction, way back in March.

Once introductions were made and the safety brief was given, we were off to the first drive in the 110.


This saw the team I was on, under the stewardship of Mk38mags, along with all the guests set off to the far end of the wood (about three quarters of a mile) to push it back through for the guns standing at the wall, half way through.


This is the first time we have pushed this wood this season, as the cover in there is that thick (brambles, blackthorn and fallen trees) and we were waiting for it to die back a bit to make navigation easier.
There were a few birds presented over the guns and they got the bag underway. This was a relief and made the ripped coats and skin worthwhile, not forgetting the cuts and grazes the dogs suffer :no: It is rough in there.

The second drive was now our turn to shoot.
There was a slight delay to the start of this drive as we were a man down :blush: we had lost the guest that bought the day at the charity event somewhere in the wood :blush:
Following a couple of phone calls, he was directed out of the wood and onto the path back to the cars. The drive eventually got underway at 11.30hrs, once all guns were on their pegs.


I had a couple of birds pass by and added 2 of them to the bag. One, a 45+yard crosser which folded it's wings with my second barrel, to which I was quite pleased with as I was using my (new to me) hammer gun.



Off to the main part of the shoot for the rest of the drives. As we drove down the lane, you could see the mountains of Snowdonia in the distance, which was worth a stop to snap this picture.


Once we were there, the beaters set off in different directions to meet up again half way through the drive. We pushed the turnip field bumping the birds as we went into R.Gulley.


RG. is then pushed towards to the main FF wood.
Once these have been pushed, a couple of beaters and their dogs push the main wood, whilst the rest of the beaters line out along a fence to act as stops.


This part of the drive offers the majority of the sport, with plenty of shots being heard and the bag began to grow.

Tiffin this week was provided by Gordon and his wife Sandra and lovely it was too. A nice stew served with crusty bread, washed down with the usual sloegasms :drool:

Fourth Drive was the Gulley and I was out on peg 9.
In the past,this has been a very quiet peg, where you watch the other guns have all the sport. Any birds that do fly towards this peg, are not usually that high, so I decided TGL'S 20b deserved an airing.


When the birds started flying over my peg, I was pleasantly surprised by the height of them and the amount that presented sporting shots. I only managed 2 hens for the bag, from the many that I had a go at.


Indy also had a nice little retrieve on one of my hens, plus another on a runner at the end of the drive as the other guns and beaters returned to the vehicles.


The final drives were over in the Nant, where the guns lined up on the sugar beet field and we, the beaters, pushed away from them (a dogging in drive where only birds going away from the pens are shot).
Gordon had a superb shot at a cock which was around 40 yards over his head. He was not for sharing that bird with his neighbour, who also had a pop at it and offered to share the bird.

Finally it was our last drive in the Nant itself.


Now on peg two (another usually quiet peg) and again shooting The Good Lady's 20 bore. I had a couple of opportunities at the birds that managed to survive the line of guns in the valley itself, connecting with a hen that was upwards of 40 yards. Although it landed heavy, it appeared to start to move off, so I handed The Good Lady the gun and set little Indy off for the 100 yard retrieve. She went straight to the point where the hen landed but it had moved about 15yards and a small heard of cows had surrounded it, she soon picked up on the scent, barged into the cows and duly fetched it back.

That concluded the day's shooting and the birds were counted, paired up and a photograph was taken of the remaining guns and beaters who didn't leave at the end of the drive.

Picture taken by TGL.

48 pheasants for 231 shots.

From a slow start, the day went well and I believe all the guests had some sport.
I can only apologise to the guest for being left to his own devices in the 110 and getting lost. Highly embarrassing :blush:
I would like to thank Mk38mags for running the day again (our team anyway ;) ),
Gordon and Sandra for providing Tiffin,

TGL. for taking all the pictures,
And to everyone else involved in the day.
It was a pleasure to meet with Oxfordfowler and his pal again and look forward to seeing you at the next PW Charity Shoot.

All the best and thanks for reading.

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As always an excellent write up of the day.


All I have to add is that my "little brother" and I had a fantastic day out and enjoyed some entertaining banter, good company and some excellent shooting.


Thanks again to Paul223 and Magman for the invitation and all the gang at the Crown Shoot who combined to make it an unforgettable day.


The last drive of the day the Nant will never be forgotten I was lucky enough to be pegged No. 9 right at the bottom of a cliff face with the birds appearing over the cliff and then you need to shoot them through a gap in the tree canopy - very testing :hmm: .



Thanks Again




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As always an excellent write up of the day.


All I have to add is that my "little brother" and I had a fantastic day out and enjoyed some entertaining banter, good company and some excellent shooting.


Thanks again to Paul223 and Magman for the invitation and all the gang at the Crown Shoot who combined to make it an unforgettable day.


The last drive of the day the Nant will never be forgotten I was lucky enough to be pegged No. 9 right at the bottom of a cliff face with the birds appearing over the cliff and then you need to shoot them through a gap in the tree canopy - very testing :hmm: .



Thanks Again




I had a feeling he was your brother, but couldn't remember :blush:

I so pleased you enjoyed the day and love birds next door in the B&B didn't put you off your shooting dew to the lack of sleep :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Realy good of you to take the time you do to share your days with us 😋

The time and trouble you take is amazing so another good day and great time had by a few nice to see assorted dogs and handlers getting on so well 😋


Hammer gun ?

There's a story or history to this or is that for another day 😉

Thanks again for the pics and write up great that you share

All the best


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Nice one SABS, glad to see Indy continues to impress! Great pic of Snowdonia as well!


I wouldn't say Indy impressed this week, she is a pain in the Harris in the beating line and probably covered all the turnip field on her own :ninja: She has gone big headed since I told her that she had a fan club :lol:


Realy good of you to take the time you do to share your days with us

The time and trouble you take is amazing so another good day and great time had by a few nice to see assorted dogs and handlers getting on so well

Hammer gun ?

There's a story or history to this or is that for another day

Thanks again for the pics and write up great that you share

All the best


Thanks OF :good:

You can never have enough dogs on the crown as some of the covers are huge, especially the 110.

I bought the hammer gun as a little bit of a investment, plus I have always fancied a Damascus. I bought it back in August and it spent the last 3 months in the gunsmiths having a overhaul. The wood is plane but the pattern in the barrels are nice.

Thanks for your kind words. Catch up soon mate :good:

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I bought the hammer gun as a little bit of a investment, plus I have always fancied a Damascus. I bought it back in August and it spent the last 3 months in the gunsmiths having a overhaul. The wood is plane but the pattern in the barrels are nice.

Thanks for your kind words. Catch up soon mate :good:



Great stuff again SBS and what a superb pair of barrels you have there on that hammer gun



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I bought the hammer gun as a little bit of a investment, plus I have always fancied a Damascus. I bought it back in August and it spent the last 3 months in the gunsmiths having a overhaul. The wood is plane but the pattern in the barrels are nice.

Thanks for your kind words. Catch up soon mate :good:



Great stuff again SBS and what a superb pair of barrels you have there on that hammer gun




Thanks BP :good:

It is now very tight since the stay at the gunsmiths, it could do with a round or two on the clays to let it bed back in. It has it's little quirks, like not being able to open it when the hammers are pulled back. Worked that one out to be the top leaver not being able to go far enough over as the hammer is in the way.

It is a nice piece though :yes:

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Thanks BP :good:

It is now very tight since the stay at the gunsmiths, it could do with a round or two on the clays to let it bed back in. It has it's little quirks, like not being able to open it when the hammers are pulled back. Worked that one out to be the top leaver not being able to go far enough over as the hammer is in the way.

It is a nice piece though :yes:

My old Army and Navy hammer gun owned for 55 years and currently undergoing some TLC has the same quirk in that the top lever wont go far enough over to open the breech when the RH hammer is cocked. Might ring the gunsmith and ask him if he can rectify this. Yours is indeed a nice piece.



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Nice pics and story as usual Mark. Like the hammer gun - she's a beaut.


Lovely view you have there too - last time I saw Snowdon it was from being on the top of Pen Y Fan. Lovely part of the world :-).


Haha Indy sounds how my Lola was this week, 2 steps forwards, one back :-)

Thanks Chris :good:

I haven't been up Snowdon for many years, it is great up there on a cold crisp morning when you can see for miles.

How's the knee doing?

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I've got one that will


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Smart **** now show me a double that can do the same :lol::good:

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