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What chokes do you generally use for pigeon shooting?


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As title. Just wanted to get the general idea of prefered chokes for pigeon shooting. I realise it depends on the pigeon flights and the mood of the birds on the day but give me some rough idea.




This one comes up every other week.


I generally use 1/4, 1/4 for birds over decoys, through a ported Rhino choke with 30gram loads of No 6 shot.



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Try not to bother yourself with changing chokes every other day, ive been shooting with Modified and Improved Modified since i started and i have never changed the chokes. You learn to either be more accurate or more patient. Its hard to miss with a shotgun with those chokes in.


So that's what I've been doing wrong all these years, should have stuck to Mod & Imp Mod..!! :good:



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Depends on the range you are taking them at and how your gun patterns with the carts and chokes you have - is the only real answer.


Cat put me on to the ported rhino's and the 1/4 throws a really good pattern, probably better at range than I was getting with the standard 1/2 choke.


Pattern it and see :sly:

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Thanks for the feedback guys! :good: Sorry if the question was a regular post. :sly:




I wouldnt worry about it, if you dont ask the question...............


In a hide I sometimes use a Mossy 8 shot pump with a c-lect twist choke, it all depends on the situation on the day, as someone said if you are tightly choked dont shoot them too close and vice versa.


:blink: D2D

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What you have got to remember is that perhaps a full choke in one barrel is only half in another.


Choke is the constriction at the muzzle compared to the bore behind it. If a full choke tube is measured as .689" that will give 40 thou of constriction ie full choke in a barrel bored 729 (standard 12 bore size) but only 20 thou (1/2 choke in a barrel bored 709 (Min 12 bore size or 13 bore) but 50 thou in a barrel showing a size of .739" and 60 thou in a barrel with an internal diameter of .749" (Max 12 bore size or 11 bore). Looking minimum size to maximum means theoretically you could have a full choke tube in one barrel showing cylinder in another.


In practice,of course, the variation in size is very limited but it really is something that needs considering.


You need to know the internal diameter of the barrel and of the choke tube to find the difference in size and so the amount of constriction and therefore your choke rating.


Also remember some take 35 thou as full choke not 40 thou




Imperial 12 bore sizes are:-






Providing 10 thousanths of an inch between proof sizes.


Whilst Metric 12 bore sizes are:-


18.1mm-18.9mm although the Proof House will reproof a 12 bore up to 19.1mm if there is sufficient barrel wall thickness.

The proof is allowed between any two points ie 18.3-18.5mm



So even with metrification, that is now used by UK proof, the size of a 12 bore can still vary by the size of a Full Choke tube. (40 thou)

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