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Aftermath of a broken leg


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Folks on here have usually experienced most things so here goes..


I slipped and broke my fibula on August Bank Holiday and got a couple of DVTs to with it but soon plastered up and all was well.


Got my plaster off after about 6 weeks,was walking about a mile a day by the time if came off and have now been plaster free for 3 weeks plus a few days.


No physio, but am booked to see private physio this Thursday.


How much pain should I expect to have?


Been working the last two weeks gutting my daughters new house so usual boshing walls, ceiling etc and my leg is *******killing me.


Who has had similar injury? How sore was it?



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I'm afraid to tell you I double dislocated fractured my ankle 7 years ago and after being in a cast for 3 months after surgery to plate and screw my ankle back together and not allowed to put weight on it as I tore all the ligaments in my ankle as well, it still hurts like hell if I over do it asked the doc about it a few years back and was told "you seriously damaged your ankle what do you expect " so I would not over do it and I have found that I can work flat out on it for about 4 hours then rest up was the best way to go. I know where you coming from its very frustrating after being able bodied and then find you are not.

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I've broken both legs, one just above the ankle the other a bit further up. luckily no plates or screws were needed.

I had to get back to work asap both times as I'm self employed - the biggest problem in both cases was muscle wastage from not using the calf muscle. I took it as easy as possible for the first few weeks but did plenty of lower leg exercises to rebuild the calf. I still get the odd twinge in the leg that broke just above the ankle.

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I somehow managed to break just my tibia in a pretty bad way. Then rebreak it whilst in pot that wasn't funny.

The pain was extreme, way worse than the original break ended up in plaster for 18 wks

Luckily I escaped having to have a tibial nail, 11 years on it still hurts not all the time though

No idea why but sometimes I can feel the exact place it broke, it also aches if I walk down a steep hill.

It's never agony just a dull ache, oh and the muscle waste, the bad leg is still noticeably thinner than my good leg

Despite cycling and lots of walking.

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Thanks for feedback. Mine was a clean snap of the fib just up from the ankle so pretty modest in comparison to most.


Hope the physio helps on Thursday, not sure how you rest a leg? Can't stand sitting around unfortunately.


Just a bye the way, I was in and out of QMC casualty in 2 hours 40 mis, plaster room changed my plaster on request 3 times and my DVT was sorted immediately.


It ain't perfect but I am very grateful to the NHS, there when I needed them.

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I know these pics have been on here before but it's always a giggle .

Pain? I suffer most days but it has only been 20 months since I broke it. I had concrete land on me on site and snap my tib and fib. I had the fixature fitted for 15 weeks and was walking with in 8 weeks of the accident unaided. I can feel the break still and physio was a waste of time for me as I feel let down by them.


Do I let it stop me? Hell no as anyone off here that's met me knows I'll try anything :)

I've broken so many bones now I've stopped caring.




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I know these pics have been on here before but it's always a giggle .

Pain? I suffer most days but it has only been 20 months since I broke it. I had concrete land on me on site and snap my tib and fib. I had the fixature fitted for 15 weeks and was walking with in 8 weeks of the accident unaided. I can feel the break still and physio was a waste of time for me as I feel let down by them.


Do I let it stop me? Hell no as anyone off here that's met me knows I'll try anything :)

I've broken so many bones now I've stopped caring.

Well done peg leg not seen those for a bit how's the parrot doing got him talking yet?
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