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First days work.


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Had a shoot yesterday I was beating for in Somerset. Thought id take my boy out on the lead just for him to get used to things, but me a lead and a dog on the end going through crop was not easy, so i took the lead off and worked him. I Was slightly nervous to start and kept him very close. But wow was he good, it was almost like a switch had been flicked. He just came into his own, flused well and sat to shot. He flushed a deer and just watched it bounce across the field..


By the end of the day he was tired.. And last night slept infront the fire..


Was a proper proud dad moment...



Edited by ShootingEgg
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Dog looks a cracker there. Very nice. It's great when all the training starts to come together on the real thing.


Be cautious on his second outing though, when he thinks he knows it all already. Do stay on top of him as he will start to take liberties when there are plenty of birds on the ground and he thinks you can't see him, especially as the astonishment/novelty of a day in the field begins to wear off and he looks to make his own fun.


Keep us posted with his progress.

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Dog looks a cracker there. Very nice. It's great when all the training starts to come together on the real thing.


Be cautious on his second outing though, when he thinks he knows it all already. Do stay on top of him as he will start to take liberties when there are plenty of birds on the ground and he thinks you can't see him, especially as the astonishment/novelty of a day in the field begins to wear off and he looks to make his own fun.


Keep us posted with his progress.

Yeah that is very much on my mind, taking him out friday, and will be keeping him very close.... I have seen dogs that run mock and finish drives before they start, and I dont want one of them..

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