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How did your Boxing day go ?

marsh man

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Having what seemed like a lie in I was up around 7am , had a cuppa and was on my out a little after 8 , three things stood out a bit when I first went out , ( 1 ) was how quite the roads were , ( 2 ) how mild it was , and ( 3 ) it being dry with no rain forecasted for the day.


Got down the farm and decided to walk the fleet dyke down to the bypass and then criss cross the fields back to where I started from , the first bit of luck I had when walking down the dyke was seeing what looked like a pair of duck half way down swimming close to the bank . having marked where they were by a clump of thistles on the top of bank I walked round in a half of a circle on to where I thought they were , told the dog to sit and walked 15yds the right hand side of my mark as they looked as if they were going down the dyke , as it turned out I was around 30yds out when they jumped up but still well in range , the first shot dropped the drake in the dyke and the second shot dropped the hen on the marsh across the main dyke . George was happy going for a swim and it wasn't long before I had a nice pair of Mallard in the bag .


I then cut across the marsh to the industrial units to see if there were any Pheasants lurking about , the first field looked sodden wet with only the odd Morehen to be seen, but you never know as I have put Pheasants up on fields a lot wetter than these as it turned out there was nothing on there , the next one didn't look much better but walking round the edge of the dyke where it was a bit dryer the ole dogs tail started to wag a bit quicker and sure enough after he went in a clump of reeds he put one up but unfortunately it was a hen and for the last few years I only shoot cocks , so we moved on to the next one witch was also a blank , by now we were only one marsh from the main road so time we headed back along the footpath to where we stated from , on the way back my dog got a scent of something as his tail was constantly on the move and when we got to a rough patch if there was one then this is where it will be and sure enough a big ole cock Pheasant got up and as luck would have he went away from the buildings instead of going towards them and one quick shot put paid to him , on the way back I had two shots at Pigeons but nothing else was added to the bag .


After reading the paper and some refreshments it was time to head for the wood for a go at some Pigeons , I got there around 2pm and for the first hour they only came in dribs and drabs and then around 3pm they came in nearly none stop and after missing more than I hit I picked up 14 which wasn't that bad considering the strong wind . I packed up when they were still coming in as I wanted to go for flight before it got dark .


After taking the pigeons back to my motor I was soon on my way back down the marsh and I would have loved to report on a good flight but as it turned out it was very poor , never saw or heard a duck .


So that was my day out , not a huge bag but every thing was worked for and I am now looking forward to next year.


So come on guys tell us about your day ,SAM_2432_zpsp0lqew7d.jpgSAM_2441_zpsbezmr1oc.jpg

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Sounds like a great day!

We had a nice day in terrible conditions!

We have thousands of geese up here at the moment so we lined up along a wall whilst my dad flushed them from a stubble field. Unfortunately only one of us got a shot off however a nice bird folded so a good start. Nice to see us all showing respect to the birds and not firing at out of range birds.

Next up we walked our huge bit of moss and heather. It was pretty wet and there wasn't as many snipe and woodcock as normal. We flushed 5 snipe, 3 woodcock and a pheasant. I managed to get a nice woodcock which made my day.

We decided to shoot through lunch and try a couple of pheasant woods on our boundary. There was plenty birds on the go and we managed to add a pigeon and 5 pheasants to the bag.

We were glad to get a hot bowl of stew and a glass of port upon our return and tried to get dried out a bit.

Really enjoyable day where everyone had some shooting and at least one bird bird.





Edited by Nmb
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Well done to you John.

Myself I took Conor for a quick Moon flight. Blowing well rain now and again very Good Moon one minute cloudy and lightish the next.

Odd party of Pink's braved the weather most of which could only be heard after they had passed but thankfully Conor's young eye's spotted two bunches on the approach the first we both managed a Pink each the other lady luck shone on me as I got two whilst Conor shot another Pink.

Short but exciting Moon flight.

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I was out with a couple of friends for a morning flight, we weren't very enthusiastic what with the full moon but we all had a shot and put 4 greylags in the bag. One of the boys had family commitments after the morning flight so that left two of us to have a quick walk about. We didn't see much but I bagged a snipe and a couple of rabbits, my compadre had trouble with his gun miss firing or we may have had more. We headed out again at night for a look and this time I was the only one to burn powder and managed to bag a mallard and another greylag. It was great to be out and walk off some of the copious quantity of food that was consumed on Christmas day. Hope you all had a great Christmas :good:

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Sounds like a cracking day out marsh man. I've not been fowling for two weeks now, I'm on my way back to the fens right now so I'll be out for morning flight tomorrow, hopefully followed by some trips on the ouse washes before I'm beating on Saturday!

Good luck Mat on you trips planned for the fore coming week , fingers crossed

A good read marshman :good: some good stuffing there :lol:

A nice little side salad la bala , free to a good home , freshly picked yesterday . I don't think Tesco need to worry about competition :lol:


Well done to you John.

Myself I took Conor for a quick Moon flight. Blowing well rain now and again very Good Moon one minute cloudy and lightish the next.

Odd party of Pink's braved the weather most of which could only be heard after they had passed but thankfully Conor's young eye's spotted two bunches on the approach the first we both managed a Pink each the other lady luck shone on me as I got two whilst Conor shot another Pink.

Short but exciting Moon flight.

Sound like ideal team work Boyd , an unusual way to spend Boxing night, but I would have been far happier doing that than watching the rubbish my wife was watching on the t v. well done on your Pinks


With more gales forecast later this week I hope to have another before long while there is still a few about .



Good luck to the other guys and enjoy the rest of your holidays.

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