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Biblical disasters


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First we had the worst floods in living memory, with one or two businesses still out of commission and many houses still vacant as a result, followed by a major fire which closed another two businesses and three flats not affected by the floods but affected by the fire and the subsequent water damage putting out the fire.

Locals have been awaiting a plague of locusts or frogs or something similar, and it's finally arrived.......Pestilence, by the thousands!

In the last 48 hours we've had ( as a result of a police chase ) a stolen and overturned 4x4 on the railway, resulting in its closure; the occupants arrested on charges of aggravated theft and various drug and alcohol charges, armed response closing the A66 and police 'attending an incident' on the hill where a family feud got out of hand.

It has been well known for a while that two families are going to 'settle it' at the fair; whether they will or not remains to be seen. There's a lot of posturing and bravado going on.

The RSPCA have issued warnings for 'over exercising' horses :lol: and the police are annoying the locals by turning a blind eye to people on mobiles while driving, horses in the town centre, and the lack of seatbelts being worn.

There is human excrement everywhere.

Just a normal quiet week in a quiet Eden Valley market town. :yes:


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At least there'll be plenty of help if you want your drive tarmaced.




jeez, that looks like something I would sooner avoid, I went to one in in the west of ireland and that was an experience, how do you feel about the invasion ? I can imagine there would be plenty of inspiration for an artist though,

No inspiration I'm afraid; I just batten down the hatches and avoid all unnecessary contact.

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The bit that annoys me is they think they are a law unto themselves. The really annoying bit is the police refuse to police them so they are proven right, they ARE a law unto themselves.


Its high time this travelling band of thieves and thugs were brought into line with the rest of society.

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First we had the worst floods in living memory, with one or two businesses still out of commission and many houses still vacant as a result, followed by a major fire which closed another two businesses and three flats not affected by the floods but affected by the fire and the subsequent water damage putting out the fire.

Locals have been awaiting a plague of locusts or frogs or something similar, and it's finally arrived.......Pestilence, by the thousands!

In the last 48 hours we've had ( as a result of a police chase ) a stolen and overturned 4x4 on the railway, resulting in its closure; the occupants arrested on charges of aggravated theft and various drug and alcohol charges, armed response closing the A66 and police 'attending an incident' on the hill where a family feud got out of hand.

It has been well known for a while that two families are going to 'settle it' at the fair; whether they will or not remains to be seen. There's a lot of posturing and bravado going on.

The RSPCA have issued warnings for 'over exercising' horses :lol: and the police are annoying the locals by turning a blind eye to people on mobiles while driving, horses in the town centre, and the lack of seatbelts being worn.

There is human excrement everywhere.

Just a normal quiet week in a quiet Eden Valley market town. :yes:



and all because people consider leaving Europe.

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On the news and in the papers. All kicked off during the after race evening entertainment.


Didn't see that but by the end of the day there were quite a few sleeping it off on the grass. And I strongly believe after a couple of hours kip some of them would be driving home!

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