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Moderators and accountability


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I recently posted to a topical posting which was later deleted. A mod PM'd me asking for clarification on my posting which I duly gave. That mod then, without my knowledge or consent, posted my Private Message to that person on the public forum.


I wrote this in reply, "I would like an explanation please as to why you felt you have the power or right to publically display my PRIVATE message to you, you may have wanted clarification but it did not and does not give you the right to broadcast my message to you. I would like an apology."


In the forum's T&Cs there is nothing about the admin/mods having the right to broadcast PMs. As you may guess the mod involved has totally ignored me. Is this acceptable or am I whinging for no reason? The mod involved has 24 hrs to reply or I will name that particular mod.


Admin, I would like something done about this.

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Was what was in the PM really that bad?


The Mod probably posted it so that other mods and members reading the post knew why it had not been removed if it was contraversial :good:


Makes sense to me mate :blink:


This reply doesn't make sense to me.

I think you mean why it HAD been removed.


I don't like censorship either :lol:

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Think I misread it.


Read the original post as saying 'the mod wanted to delete the post, oldbill justified the post in a PM, and the mod posted the PM on the forum to justify the original post'.


I now see that the issue here is not even the deleted post its the fact the mod has posted the PM on the public forum.


My mistake - it is early!! :good:

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Think I misread it.


Read the original post as saying 'the mod wanted to delete the post, oldbill justified the post in a PM, and the mod posted the PM on the forum to justify the original post'.


I now see that the issue here is not even the deleted post its the fact the mod has posted the PM on the public forum.


My mistake - it is early!! :good:


No, it's late...I've been at work all night :lol:

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>what happened to free speech.



My understanding is that free speech went out the window when the person who owns a server is liable for the stuff on it. I.e. you write something controversial and they can be held liable.

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At the end of the day this should be sorted out between the moderator and oldbill.


yes i agree but if i sent a mod a pm and he then sent the pm i sent him to somebody else without

asking me i would think twice about sending pm,s

called stabbing you in the back :good:



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Just to throw a brick in - I have have an e-mail about the ' Equality Act ( sexual orientation) 2007 which came in 30 Apr which protects LGB people (but not 'normal people = us') in Health care. So that cuts my best jokes list to zero. :lol:


I can see where the fear of legal action comes from one site have to pay-out £+10k for allowing a posting. And in the states when there is a school shooting, all the on-line posting come out - no pass-word protection here, I must be more careful myself I have had my knuckles smacked a few times - now I can see why. :good:

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This site is the best moderated forum im on, it may well be 'over moderated' in some area's, however they are only in most cases protecting the interests of our sport and site. I feel this forum is moderated correctly, its been moderated this way for ages, and it shows, its a constantly growning site and one of the best on the net.


i'm sure the mod in question felt he had good cause for doing what he did and if he didnt then im sure there was no intential harm meant.


They do do this for free afterall, and theres not much these days that you get for free that is that good.

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It can't be easy being a moderator but if you are a moderator then you have to whiter than white, have no double standards and be accountable for 100% of your actions. Infact I would go so far as saying be able to publicly account for your actions once they have been taken.




As an aside, have you noticed how well it is running at the moment with minimum moderator presence? Is everyone on holiday?

Apart from the odd slip even I'm behaving myself :good:

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We all have differences from time to time, and the moderators job is not one I would put on my wish list, a bit like a footy ref there will always be problematic situations to overcome and a balance of sensibility to be taken into account. I am sure no offence was or ever is intended under such circumstance and sure hope normal service and common sense resumes as quickly as possible. Some things are best kept private and IMHO this may well be one of them.



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There will be a good few members watching this topic...........expecially the one's that have had posts removed with no explanation given whatsoever.


It can't be easy being a moderator but if you are a moderator then you have to whiter than white, have no double standards and be accountable for 100% of your actions. Infact I would go so far as saying be able to publicly account for your actions once they have been taken.



All part of the package, IMHO, an accountable PM is all it would take to resolve an issue, had this sort of censorship on other forums, downward spiral.



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We all have differences from time to time, and the moderators job is not one I would put on my wish list, a bit like a footy ref there will always be problematic situations to overcome and a balance of sensibility to be taken into account. I am sure no offence was or ever is intended under such circumstance and sure hope normal service and common sense resumes as quickly as possible. Some things are best kept private and IMHO this may well be one of them.





I agree. My private message for one! My post was not offensive or criminal in any way but may have needed clarification- this I accept, but what right has someone else got to post a private message onto an internet discussion board. Just because that person is a mod, it doesn't make it right.

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What makes a good Moderator ?


I've always thought it would a guy who likes a bit of power over the rest of the grunts and gets a little woody on when he deletes a post



And it has been asked before on numerous occasions. Can moderators read PM's. I'll let you thinka baout that one :good:


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