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Rotator Cuff Surgery Results


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Hi Folks,


I'm having to have rotator cuff impingement surgery shortly, torn tendons, swollen bursa etc, and I am worried how it will effect my shotgun shooting in the future. How have people who have had this sort of operation had their shooting effected and for how long? I'm quite fit and in my mid 40's so not ready to reminisce about shooting from the arm chair yet!!


Many thanks


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I've had one op on my left shoulder, awaiting an op on my right, i'm 31. I was shooting a week after surgery, but with a much lighter gun, it took me 4 weeks to build up to using my normal weight gun and a further 4 weeks before i had built up the stamina to start getting good scores again. Is it your recoil shoulder?

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I had accessory nerve damage it seriously affected my shooting! I felt fatigue from gun handling and the recoil Really left me sore even with light clay cartridges.


Do your physio and don't rush back to it! I tend to shoot a semi auto more than my over and under just now but I can feel it coming back ever so slowly!

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Hi Folks,


I'm having to have rotator cuff impingement surgery shortly, torn tendons, swollen bursa etc, and I am worried how it will effect my shotgun shooting in the future. How have people who have had this sort of operation had their shooting effected and for how long? I'm quite fit and in my mid 40's so not ready to reminisce about shooting from the arm chair yet!!


Many thanks


I was OK, just do the physio .....

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I hope all goes very well but remember it is possible to learn to shoot of the other shoulder if that was the best solution.



Yes it is my recoil shoulder unfortunately. Hell I'm a bad enough shot as it is without trying the other arm, but at least it would give me an excuse! I know time and physio will be crucial for recovery but I was unsure about a 100% recovery, guess time will tell whether I end up with a semi .410!


Edited by Dasher
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I had to have my rotator cuff reattached on my left shoulder 20 months ago. I'm right-handed so my problem wasn't the recoil but was with my left arm being extended holding the weight of the gun. It took over six months before I could comfortably do a round of sporting. I did swop to a semi to help build the strength up before I moved back to my O/U. All I can say is take your time, build up the shoulder and maybe use a semi with light loads until its better.

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I'm 10 weeks post surgery for a Bankart Labral Tear repair. Whilst it's not the same op, it is an arthroscopy shoulder stabilisation.


It has been horrific. I would politely tell you not to expect to be shooting anytime soon. I couldn't even lift my arm unsupported for the first 3 weeks, and was in a sling for a good month or so.


At about 7 weeks I was able to mount and swing an unloaded shotgun, but I suspect I'm still a long way off having a shot. The goal is to be back in action by September 1st - but hopefully I'll get a couple of short sessions on the clays before then, allbeit with lighter loads.


Everyone will tell you this, but MAKE SURE you do ALL the physio. I stopped doing it at week 4, possibly because I subconciously thought I was healed (my sling came off), but most likely due to pure laziness, and my recovery flatlined for 3 weeks until I started again. In truth, it seemed to get worse over that period of time!


Sorry if that all sounds rubbish. But it's probably an accurate reflection on what you can expect. Hope the op goes well. Good luck :good:

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Thanks Wildfowler, I hope it works out for you. I does seem that the post operation requirements are as important as the operation it's self so I guess there are no short cuts to recovery and its just a case of slow and steady wins the race.




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Each Surgery we receive is different, as is people's recovery.

My own RC surgery was for a 2cm tear- was back on the motorbike and driving in a few days and shot after 3 weeks using the WinMag

Yes, it was my 'recoil/mount' shoulder but I'm a terrible patient and maybe foolishly thought that the Physiotherapy that I was receiving was a little too 'light'

The body is an amazing thing and seems to react to injuries received that it will let you know if your overdoing it.

Now obviously a healthcare professional will tell me I'm foolish and maybe their right- but for me, my shoulder healed perfectly and I have zero restrictions of movement

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When all is well shoot a gas operated semi auto e.g. Beretta 391 Tekneys with the recoil device in the butt and a decent 24gm.


Remington 1100 is one of the softest shooting auto's but they are not as reliable as a Beretta.


Even the American's have stopped buying them due to poor quality of the gun.

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