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Hide net

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Try these, they are cheap and work well.




very useful. Clips net to top of pole. Another further down the pole to stop the net flapping on windy days. Clip pieces of Ivy or light branches to poles to add to cammo etc

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I got them from the pound shops and even the local ironmongers, both my son and I carry 10 and they are very useful but not too much of a worry if left behind.


They come in different sizes but we tend to use the 4 inch version.


We also place one on the inside of a hide pole to make a gun rack!


Let me know if you struggle to find them.


Good luck

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I got them from the pound shops and even the local ironmongers, both my son and I carry 10 and they are very useful but not too much of a worry if left behind.


They come in different sizes but we tend to use the 4 inch version.


We also place one on the inside of a hide pole to make a gun rack!


Let me know if you struggle to find them.


Good luck

Many thanks, now sorted..

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