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Stalking without dsc1

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I am not against education at all, but it is difficult with this system of not making 'instant experts'. We never stop learning at this game, there is always something which will turn you on your head.


That could be said for any exam really, passing a driving test does not make you a good driver though you may think you can drive, I remember I did ( though there wasn't much on the road to get in the way of my mini, when minis were small that is ). I suppose once you have a DSC1 it helps you get a deer calibre and legally hunt them so could go to your head, but its not law and should you get a variation without DSC1 you will have even less experience unless you are lucky enough to be in the deer shooting circles.

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If ur going on paid accompanied stalks there is no need to go down the dsc1/2 route, i doubt any stalker would insist on it as there accompanying u.


It can be a decent enough course thou, esp for beginners and even for xperienced stalkers, but if i'm honest i've probably forgot most/a lot of the things that i learned on the course as i don't really need them the stalking i do. Like anything if ur not using a skill u forget it, i've never met a stalker yet that checks the lymph nodes in a deers head. I have dsc2 and doubt i could even find them now.


And while i agree with wot walker says it can encourage the 'ticket collectors' brigade who think it makes them a stalker and replaces years of experience, cos it doesn't.


But by the same token there is plenty (well atleast a few) very experienced boys out there even professionals who are a laibility too. There is numpties in all walks of life

I know 1 keeper who has got 3 lamping 'ventilation' holes in his landy, and i've spoke top plenty of old timers when scopes become popular shooting downhill of van bonnets/roofs with the obvios thing happening


It is a decent course and well worth doing.

The shooting test is not hard either but many stalkers will not be used to shooting in public so just because there failing the test does not neccisarly make them bad shots in the field, but just bottle it being watched.


I do see stalking changing, when i was young it seemed to be wot i call 'proper' stalkers usually from keepering/stalking families doing it now there seems to be more and more stalkers who just have a lot of tickets that are becoming guides and running courses, not sure if a good thing

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The shooting test is not hard either but many stalkers will not be used to shooting in public so just because there failing the test does not neccisarly make them bad shots in the field, but just bottle it being watched.



When we took our DSC-1 a young lad in the group done just that.


The stalkers taking the course hung back with him after we left, let him borrow their rifle, gave him a bit tution, & got him on target....which I thought was good of them.

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Just my opinion but here goes...


DSC 1 is mainly theory with a fairly easy test of markmanship on a piece of paper with all the time in the world...a lot different to field conditions.


I have DSC1 and shoot a small amount of deer each year. I have a mate who shoots a lot of deer and has done for many years and he doesnt have DSC1. I know which one I would want shooting deer as a preference and it isnt me.


I work in an industry where people want to see a piece of paper that shows you are "competent" much like having the 17th Ed of BS7671 and claiming you are an electrician. A simple and easy test (like DSC1) and skill in the field are poles apart.

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The shooting test is not hard either but many stalkers will not be used to shooting in public so just because there failing the test does not neccisarly make them bad shots in the field, but just bottle it being watched.


If you get a bit twitchy being watched shooting into a 4" circle you will most likely be right mess when looking at decent buck (for example) through your scope.

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U'd think so, and ur probably right in many cases, but it is a funny thing shooting in front of folk if u've never done it before. When i done mine i thiankfully went 1st and breezed throu it but quite a few experienced folk after me had to resit elements and borrow the estate rifle. I think if i seen these experienced stalkers fail i would have lost my bottle big time

I know 1 pro stalker that gets nervous about his shooting test every year and he shoots hundreds of deer a year and is a good shot

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Done it many times at Bisley, doesn't seem to put me off.

What does is people waffling away in the background so I just switch my earmuffs off that seems to do it.

The best shot I have pulled off in my life on a deer was witnessed by two mates and our stalker all watching through bino's expecting me to pull it :lol:

I have missed my fare share out on my own, so maybe I should take an audience with for the hard ones :)

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If you get a bit twitchy being watched shooting into a 4" circle you will most likely be right mess when looking at decent buck (for example) through your scope.


I still get deer and pig fever, and I hope I always do, the skill comes from experience , being able to control your breathing and trigger pull in a fraction of a second without out a gasp and a grab. No test will ever teach you that especially when deer are on the menu, long waits that suddenly turn into a heart pumping moment.

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