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Driving abroad with shotgun


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Morning all.


Trying to do some research on traveling with a shotgun.

Although there's plenty of info regarding taking it on a plane I couldn't find any if driving over boarders.


And what are the rules once abroad regarding gun cabnet.


I was hoping to go over to Ireland this year and thought it'll be a good idea to take my gun. Or not

I doubt my family have a gun cabnet


So does anyone travel that may shed some light on this topic?


Many thanks

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You cannot just rock up in Ireland, either part, without Police permits being issued for the shotgun you wish to take. I've been over shooting in home international matches for England and we had to complete forms which were downloadable from the CPSA website, might be worth a look there or at the respective websites for which part you are going to.

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And what are the rules once abroad regarding gun cabnet.


I was hoping to go over to Ireland this year and thought it'll be a good idea to take my gun. Or not

I doubt my family have a gun cabinet

For the home international?

Was looking at this last night and pondering the guns and shells in same car situation and then the buying shells in ireland

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I also read it had recently changed. Might have been in the CPSA Pull mag.


If your going via the tunnel or ferry to mainland europe. Let the ferry company or the tunnel lot know in advance as they now nsist that you do and will be deep do do if you get searched even if you have your SGL and EFP wihh you. (I have been searched the lsst 3 times even though I not been going on a shooting trip) You will need a EFP once in mainland europe and I would always take an invite to where you are going for crossin borders into in mainland europe by car.

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