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Does anyone use a skeet gun?


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Hello All,


Most of my clay shooting is on sporting clays but a couple of the grounds I shoot have skeet ranges. They are often free so I've started shooting the skeet once I've finished the sporting. I'm really enjoying it and would like to take it more seriously. I'm just using my 30" over and under sporting clay gun (B325).


Looking at older "skeet" guns they are usually very open choked 26" barrels, but looking at clips of competitive skeet on the web today barrels seem to have got longer.


Does anyone still shoot a gun set up specifically for skeet? If so are you using much shorter barrels than are generally popular today?

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When I first shot skeet it was with a 26" barrelled gun (although not a skeet gun) and I found it very difficult. As soon as I switched to a longer, 32" barrelled gun my scores went up by a huge margin.


Funnily enough though, before I had my own gun I used to borrow a mate's 26" barrelled skeet gun to shoot sporting with and I did pretty well with it.


I don't think barrel length really matters that much. Or rather I should say, it matters, but only to the individual. Just because short barrels were once popular it doesn't mean you have to use them. Just shoot open chokes, either skeet&skeet or skeet&1/4. You could also consider using a specific cartridge for skeet. I really like 28gm of No.9.

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30" high rib sporter with Cyl and Skt. Been considering trying a slab of 9's, which do you use Danger Mouse? In fact the question should be more like, can I get 9's in fibre as that's all I can use at my local?


The last batch I used were Blue Diamond, in fibre.


A nice cartridge, a little more expensive than my usual sporting loads but not hideously so.

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