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Hendrix's rifle

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Bloody Facebook again. There's been a local group round here letting there fox hounds run into gardens and kill a fox whilst trying to hide the dead fox after and covering faces. I understand why that could upset people but some of the stuff they come out with!!! Shoot the people who shoot these fox's they do nothing wrong and ban all hunting and shooting. *** is going on in this country? Do they not realise they got to where they are today by erm hunting?? There ancestors hunted to survive yet you get people who are anti hunting but enjoy there roast dinner at the weekend? Come on. Get a ******* grip. There's even a women around here who looks after fox's in her garden, turns out her house is a mile from one of my perms, may have to get a louder electronic caller!! Do they not understand the lamb they eat also gets eaten by fox? Therefore making the farmer loose money and watch his livestock be killed by predators? Even one women who who was saying how nice her beef sandwich was at dinner time yet saying badgers should always be protected because there harmless and do nothing to trouble anyone. I wish I could try to make these people realise the error of there ways and understand that it needs doing but I'd be ******* in the wind. This isn't written to **** anyone off and I'm not after an argument so if you are going to argue or put something patronising don't even bother replying. Sometimes I hate people :lol: :lol:

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Are you referring to an established Hunt, or just a group of individuals that own fox hounds ?

Either shouldn't be going in to peoples private property chasing and "killing" foxes.

I am a member of my local Hunt and wouldn't condone this behaviour.


As regards Facebook, it seems people reading it and then ranting, is a bit like banging your head on a brick wall and then complaining that it hurts.

The simple solution is stop doing it.

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I read the MEN report on Facebook last night and had to laugh. I was supposed to be out hunting with them on Saturday when it happened. I'd have definitely got my face in the paper because I like to be up at the front end. There's a woman on one of mr perms who if she hears he shooting or sees me lamping she comes out making a hell of a fuss. The trouble is nowadays everyone thinks that their opinion needs voicing. We have a saying it's 'You can't argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!'

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lets face it, letting hounds into private gardens to kill foxes sounds like something from a banana republic, if I saw that in my garden, how would I feel, its bad enough, the arrogant berk that lives over the road to me, walking his dogs off lead and letting them run on your property, forget the faceberg response, its outrageous, foxes are to be dispatched in fields or woods.

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It was an established hunt that did it and the women hid the dead fox under her jacket and claimed she was pregnant? I agree that side of it is wrong as I personally think the fox should stand a fair chance, 1 on 1 or even or even a couple of dogs but a pack which will outrun it blahdy blah. People who say people who shoot/hunt should be put in prison. For that reason I've once again deleted the fb page my girlfriend set up. Last time it lasted about a day and a half this time a week or so :lol:

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I personally am sick and tired of the " holier than thou" attitude of people, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but what right have individuals got to force their opinion on others? We are all individuals, responsible to our own conscience and for our own actions, and if those actions lead to law breaking.........then we (and they!) are accountable, not to any individual.........but to society in general (in the guise of the law) for them!

The worst types are the hypocrites who want to tell us fieldsports supporters what we should and should not do, try to dictate how we should live our lives, and put themselves up as societies moral conscience, then we often find these same "holier than thou" people are exposed as criminals, law breakers and abusers of the weak and vulnerable..........."pillars of society" such as members of the church and other institutions are cases in point!

I don't need anyone to tell me how to live my life, I excercise my right to do so in compliance with the law and led by my own conscience! I support those who feel the same and will fight to defend their individual rights against such "holier than thou" hypocrites.

Just because someone doesn't agree with something, it doesn't mean it's wrong, if they don't like it they don't have to do it!......no individual's opinion carries more weight than another..........if the activity is legal, we should all defend the individuals right to do it!.........and never give in to ignorance driven, intimidatory mob rule tactics!


Misanthropically yours,



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Except allowing dogs on to private property is not legal and is only ever going to inflame people antis or not, it will also damage sport for everyone as shooters will be tarred with the same brush, it's this type of selfish/reckless behaviour that causes things to be banned, that said I do wish the law would take a firmer stand against antis, particularly those who use violence and intimidation tactics.

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I love Facebook in all its glory, but you have to use your grey cells when on it. Unlike forums where there are moderators to stop rows, keep the peace and avoid general idiocy, Facebook has nothing, so any idiot can post what they want about any given subject on which they wake up believing they are an expert on that morning.


People believe that you can't fly the union flag, that if you press "6" and "enter" something wonderful happens and that Bill Gates gives every orphan a free house if you click on this link and they will do it time and time again.


Treat it for what it is - An amusing way to stay in touch with friends and to compare dinners, beers or haircuts.

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