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Car blocking a drive


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Even moving the car six inches is TDA, don't do it! Don't even think about it.


I live in a Cul de Sac near a station and we get all sorts of parking problems. Commuters park every day and walk to the station, people park their cars for two weeks and get a train to the airport. These are the worst ones because they are in a hurry and if there isn't a space they panic and park somewhere silly.


Its not just about blocking the driveways, if the dustcart can't get through on a Wednesday nobody's bins get emptied. They just say the road way was obstructed


As a seperate suggestion, get onto council parking and they will send a warden down to ticket it. Tickets seem actually to be the best deterent in the long run. We get it all the time, unless its a quiet day for the police they just refer us to council parking dept, but it is a police matter so if they say its not, ask for the name of the person you are talking to.

Edited by Vince Green
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Has anyone that have posted here saying how easy it is to do so actually moved a car on a trolly jack?


Yes, it works if you push hard. Worst case it will tow easier without scrubbing the tyres. Obviously it won't work if the surface isn't fairly smooth, but it's possible. When you've moved it, steal the valve cores for good measure. Pennies to replace but a bloody nightmare when you've got no car to go and get some.


There was one occasion near me where a couple of local lads lifted a car into a large tree by it's tow bar using a Tirfor winch and snatch block, then roped it up there and left it hanging. The fuss that created was incredible and they never found out who did it.... :whistling:

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Even moving the car six inches is TDA, don't do it! Don't even think about it.


I live in a Cul de Sac near a station and we get all sorts of parking problems. Commuters park every day and walk to the station, people park their cars for two weeks and get a train to the airport. These are the worst ones because they are in a hurry and if there isn't a space they panic and park somewhere silly.


Its not just about blocking the driveways, if the dustcart can't get through on a Wednesday nobody's bins get emptied. They just say the road way was obstructed


As a seperate suggestion, get onto council parking and they will send a warden down to ticket it. Tickets seem actually to be the best deterent in the long run. We get it all the time, unless its a quiet day for the police they just refer us to council parking dept, but it is a police matter so if they say its not, ask for the name of the person you are talking to.



I would have thpought you would put more importance upon getting the Fire Engine or Ambulance through!

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I would have thpought you would put more importance upon getting the Fire Engine or Ambulance through!

Oh yes we have had ambulances fairly regularly actually blocking the cul de sac for hours because they just stop where they stop. We had several old people living in different houses who required frequent visits from ambulances, but they have all died since. The houses are small terraced houses built 17 years ago so a lot of them were bought as retirement homes when they were new.


Yes, fire engines would never get through to the end but I guess their hoses would.


The ongoing problem really are the dustcarts because they are totally bloody minded, any half imagined obstruction and they don't bother

Edited by Vince Green
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Yes, plenty of times

I might get called out as bull, but one of my friends father was a Nottinghamshire firefighter and told us he used a car as a conduit for a hose because it was parked in front of a hydrant.


Windows put through, doors opened and the hose run through the car.

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