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28 gauge cartridges - preferences

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Thinking about getting a little 28 gauge again as have found a 32" barrelled one that I would have thought would handle nice.


Anyway the question is what would the recommended cartridge and shot size be ?


Thinking of around 23-25grams in around 7 shot through 3/4 choke to give a good sense pattern after reading the 410 post be Walker etc.


Thoughts on a postcard please!

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I have tried 28gm - 16gm.


The low load is a little light on pheasants, low to mid 20gm will kill as well as my 12.


Shot size 6.


I got a box of 26gm 4's a few years ago. They were brill, but I have no idea who made them.

Edited by markm
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I don't think you get a bad 28 gauge cartridge. Hull are very soft on the shoulder in 23gm of 5, 6 and 7. I tend to use a 24gm load in Bornaghi or 25gm in Gamebore in 6 shot but did shoot 126 crows my first day out with it using 21gm 7s made by Nobel Sport

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I have tried 28gm - 16gm.


The low load is a little light on pheasants, low to mid 20gm will kill as well as my 12.


Shot size 6.


I got a box of 26gm 4's a few years ago. They were brill, but I have no idea who made them.

did george not make them :good::good::good:

Thinking about getting a little 28 gauge again as have found a 32" barrelled one that I would have thought would handle nice.


Anyway the question is what would the recommended cartridge and shot size be ?


Thinking of around 23-25grams in around 7 shot through 3/4 choke to give a good sense pattern after reading the 410 post be Walker etc.


Thoughts on a postcard please!

arch tell me wot u want coming yr way soon g

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I've been using a 32" Rizzini for several years and its one of the nicest shooting guns I've used, even above the true-scale Beretta I had before it, and that was a lot of fun too.

Have used a whole range of cartridges from 14 -25 grams and I don't think there was a poor performer amongst them.

Mostly now use 21 - 24 gs from Hull and Eley, and they are available in fibre.

If I had to settle on an all-arounder it would be 22 to 24 gms of 6.5/ 2.5mm hard shot fibre for game, and 8/ 2.2mm for clays, in a loading that shoots like the Hulls or Eley (24s)...

I did feel that the Italian made cartridge worked better with tighter chokes, whilst the Eleys and Hulls went better with more open choking. I got the denser patterns from the slower loads, with observed velocities around 1200 ...

Just reloading some 22g plas in RTO for later.

Edited by seeker
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