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Kieth Starmer to allow 3 mill to stay


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Personally i think people should be allowed to stay (i voted leave btw) but seems silly throwing away a bargaining chip, this part of the negotiations should be the easiest part. We let yours stay if you let ours stay.


If you guarantee EU nationals can stay before negotiations you have to trade something else for the UK citizens to stay in the EU.


As for labour I think they have made a massive miscalculation, its a half-hearted attempt at trying to appease both leave and remainers but ultimately pleases no one.

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My mate lives in Spain and he has had to register with the authorities over there when he first went. That is as an existing EU citizen in an EU country, there is no reason why we don't do the same over here.


Its just slack administration by the British Government to allow the free for all we have to put up with.


Absolutely agree, and as for slack administration I think a very long and large tapered reamer is required to be used on parts of their anatomy.

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Do they have the facts about how many would be categorised as Chaff and what is the %age of the said chaff of total migration including that from outside the EU?

I believe that the actual statistics reporting on EU migrants sould stay anyway so they have jobs that add value.

Googling might not have beem gpod place for them to start. How about hhe office for national statistics, surely they have access.

Mind you, as my mate says, Spain can keep all the Criminals and drunk expats cause thats what they all are isn't it? It must be true as the info was sourcedfrom the TV. Probably Benedorm.


Corbyn and his backers beliefs are beyond bonkers. Scary in fact.

Edited by Paul1440
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It has been good fun watching him (Sir Kier Starmer) appearing wherever he can to try to put his point across.



The best by far was the Daily Politics on BBC2 where Jo Coburn kept telling to him that he was saying exactly what the Conservative Prime Minister had already stated!


Jo Coburn is a right weapon, shows no mercy and has my utmost respect

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