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Have you had an eye test lately?

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Well I had my first ever eye test last week and was told I urgently needed glasses for my long sight vision.

The reason I went is since around Christmas I had noticed difficulty in judging distance along with slight blurring at distance.

So I picked them up last Thursday and yesterday had my first pigeon shoot with them on.

Quite a difference, seeing birds clearly from long range as they came in, judging distance much better and having very clear vision of the targets as they swing around over the decoys made me far more confident of my aim and ability.

As a younger man I used to get very good results (shots fired for birds picked) but recently I have been missing a lot of what I would class 'easy targets'.

On a recent day out with my friend Marshman although we had a good day I was frustrated by some of the 'easy targets' I actually missed which is what prompted me to get tested.

Results for the day which admittedly was very quiet, was at least encouraging, of the 12 shots I fired, I picked 10 birds, 9 pigeons and 1 carrion crow, with only 1 runner, all the rest dead in the air.

The 2 missed were both high birds going back overhead and the shot fired through an overhanging tree above my head.

So I am looking forward to another day out to see if yesterday was a fluke or my new specs have really made a difference, but I see the future more clearly now :lol::lol:

Edited by lakeside1000
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I have just started to wear glasses for driving. At the moment I am not tempted to wear them for shooting as I believe that my eyes need to retain their own abilities and muscle strength for as long as possible in the field.

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The majority of people over 40 should have corrected vision to some degree but as the decay is usually gradual most don't even realise until it gets to pretty bad. Even then some people 'soldier on' needlessly. My 60 odd year old father-in-law has a prescription which means he wouldn't be legal to drive (he doesn't anyway), but refuses to get glasses because "they'd spoil his looks" :rolleyes::lol: If you need corrected vision you should wear your glasses/contacts as per the instruction of your optician, not by old wives tales.

Edited by Breastman
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glasses ae OK when its not raining or misting, then they are a right pain! you might want to try contact lenses. I started wearing mine for driving only, but I think its true the more you wear them the weaker your eyes get.

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I did notice that with my full face mask on my breath was steaming up the inside of the glasses, so I just cut a hole where my mouth was and it cured the problem, a bonus is I dont have to lift the mask to sip my coffee, just pour it through the newly cut hole, cant be bad. :good::good::good:

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I did notice that with my full face mask on my breath was steaming up the inside of the glasses, so I just cut a hole where my mouth was and it cured the problem, a bonus is I dont have to lift the mask to sip my coffee, just pour it through the newly cut hole, cant be bad. :good::good::good:


Unless the face mask slips then you will be pouring coffee down your neck.

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I will be getting my eye test on Saturday.
I have one yearly now as my mother has the early signs of glaucoma, which can be hereditary.

I have just started to wear glasses for driving. At the moment I am not tempted to wear them for shooting as I believe that my eyes need to retain their own abilities and muscle strength for as long as possible in the field.

Edited by aga man
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