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I couldn't save him


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In 13years of being a nhs technician and paramedic I can count on my hands how many people I've actually saved with cpr. The chances are very poor. Early defibrillation is the key to most out of hospital cardiac arrest survivors. As said, cpr buys time and gives them a chance, but it's rare to have a positive outcome. You've done everything you could, and should be proud of your efforts. If you've any questions about it, feel free to message me and I'll talk it over with you. Condolences to you and your family.

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You coud only do what you did, condolences to your family. I have only done CPR once, it didnt work either. Time is also a healer, don't beat yourself up over it and if you need to talk about it then talk, I bottled it up and felt all kinds of emotions and blamed myslef amongst other things. All the best,

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Sorry to here, I watched my mum die in hospital, you did all you could, it may not feel like it now but you have. Sometimes there is nothing you can do the inevitable will happen.


All the best and hope you and your family have a smooth recovery from it.

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Sorry to hear of your loss. Did CPR on a neighbour a few years back for 25 minutes before an ambulance arrived. One of the privilages of being in remote part of North Wales. Got the fella back from blue to normal colour, but they still couldn't jump start him. Boy did that use some energy!

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Cheers fellas. The paramedics reckon it might have been a PE or aneurysm and even if we'd been there when it happened it wouldn't have changed anything. I wish we'd found him later so his wife, daughter and granddaughter didn't have to witness the violence of chest compressions.

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