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I know various instructors in varied fields that are accredited to their organizations and it's the same everywhere, do it like this or you don't get the fancy letters.

I don't do some things I was taught at collage because I've found a way to do them that suits me better.

Most organisations are pretty much set in their ways and have been for many years, I suppose it works for them.

If something works why not give it a try.

Only thing that governs us in APSI is hitting birds and clients learning same thing as the MD also asks of us funnily enough.


Only tend to use straws on the Young Gun days and their more for the cans of pop.

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well you could put a piece of bluetack under the straw to fit your sight picture I suppose, the idea is similar to the £15 'red dot' we're discussing in the other topic, it just forces you to set your head properly on the stock...


+1 and can't do any harm, if you are looking down the barrel with fairly good head/eyes alignment, then regardless of whether or not you see the bead, you will be looking where the gun is pointing so hopefully when the target presents, you will hit what you are looking at

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Even if I had a length of 75mm drain pipe attached to the rib I would not see the bead. I never do. I never see the barrels either.


There must be something wrong with my gun mounting and shooting. It's probably too late to change now.



you must have left the barrells in your motor case dear boy :lol:

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