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Retro MTB or cycle dealers


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An old friend who died left behind his bike (Claud Butler Cape Wrath).Its in mint condition and even has a receipt for £499 from June 1998.His wife is wanting to sell it and any monies go to Cancer Fund.Does anyone know of any bike shops that deal in Vintage bikes.Ive had a good look at it today and it's obviously evident it never got ridden much.Still had original tyres (full tread) and brake blocks (no wear).If we can get it to the right audience then it may fetch a better price than just slapping it in eBay.




EDITED 1998 bike not 89 sorry.


Edited by Davyo
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There are forums for Retro bikes. Some cam fetch good money. Most keep an eye out on Fleabay to see if anything good comes up.

Might be worth joining one of those forums and get a feel of value off the people on there and then putting it up on the bay with a reserve price.


I may be wrong but if it is a 1989 bike I suspect that the brakes have been updated.

It's hard to tell from the pictures they look like v brakes where I would have expected Cantelever.

Edited by Paul1440
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eBay is the best place to find retro MTBs. Just use a decently high starting price. The slight problem is that the CB name used to be top notch but these days its not much more that supermarket tat.


The real retro freaks have a cionstant lookout for stuff on the bay and they’llspot a good un.

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There are forums for Retro bikes. Some cam fetch good money. Most keep an eye out on Fleabay to see if anything good comes up.


Might be worth joining one of those forums and get a feel of value off the people on there and then putting it up on the bay with a reserve price.

I may be wrong bu if it is a 1989 bike I suspect that the brakes have been updated.

Thanks i have corrected the year 1998,also joined a RetoBike forum so hoping for some advise Thank you to all PW members for their responses.
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I've a 1999 gt and even tho it cost £1300 it's worth £150 now.

Sold my trials pushbike a few years back at 15 years old and a £600 bike fetched £80.


No such thing as retro with pushbikes to be honest unless it's a chopper.

The only downside with push bikes is they loose money fast.

We pick old MTB up for beer buses :)

Edited by team tractor
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had a word with a mate who is into his cycles and he said the retro scene is bmx choppers and old shop bikes .





need more details really but probably 80 to 120 dependant on spec

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An old friend who died left behind his bike (Claud Butler Cape Wrath).Its in mint condition and even has a receipt for £499 from June 1998.His wife is wanting to sell it and any monies go to Cancer Fund.Does anyone know of any bike shops that deal in Vintage bikes.Ive had a good look at it today and it's obviously evident it never got ridden much.Still had original tyres (full tread) and brake blocks (no wear).If we can get it to the right audience then it may fetch a better price than just slapping it in eBay.




EDITED 1998 bike not 89 sorry.



Claud Butler the bike to have in the 1950s priced at about £28 on the other end of the price range the Dawes bikes £15.

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