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Just a little rant....this time.


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I fell out with BT some years ago after they threatened me with bailiffs over a cancelled internet agreement due to the fact the service they claimed they provided wasn’t fit for purpose. It turned out THEY owed ME money!

Anyhow, after many years of sterling service by the Utilities Warehouse I have moved into the sticks where they couldn’t follow and it transpired my only option is BT! ? Poop! Woe is me! 

Four weeks ago we contacted them and set up an account for their super fast all singing all dancing broadband. A date was arranged for connection for which we assured them we would be in and a few days later a shiny new router thingy was delivered. ?

In laws stood too on the day, awaiting connector man but he never turned up.

On the phone that night to BT the lady told us the order had been cancelled as we already have broadband! Me:Who cancelled it? She:BT did. Me:Why? She:Because our records show you already have super fast doodah thingies! Me:But we don’t. The flat below us does, as do the in laws next door, but we don’t. You’ve sent us a router and taken the money from our account; if we already had it why have you done that? 

She:Er....can I just put you on hold while I speak to my supervisor? 

She:Our records show you already have super duper doodahs. Me:I don’t care what your records show, I can assure you we don’t. 

She:Right. I’ll start a complaints procedure . Me:I’d rather have broadband. She: I’ll leave a note for a colleague to contact an engineer and will call next Thursday after 6pm to let you know what is happening. I can only apologise.

I turned to OH and told her I would be very surprised if they called next Thursday. She thinks I’m very cynical.

They didn’t call next Thursday. When OH called them to ask why, they said they had called, but at 5pm. OH informed the man that we had arranged a call for after 6 as before that there would be no one in. Anyhow, after assuring him that we most definitely didn’t already have broadband, he told her he had called to tell us that a survey was pending and if that proved ok we would be connected on the 5th of Dec. 

I told OH it wouldn’t happen. She says I’m a cynic. 

Have just received a call from a most apologetic bloke from BT who informs me ‘it isn’t going to happen on the 5th, I’m afraid’. I told him I’d have been shocked if it had as I have dealt with BT before. He could only apologise as he couldn’t tell me when it would now happen, but assured me we would be called again next Thursday for an update. 

Really? We’ll see what OH thinks when she gets home. Cynic? Moi? ?

Edited by Scully
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To think how good they used to be years ago as the only telecoms company. You had s problem it was sorted out quickly, wanted a new phone or fax etc there within days. 

Since privatisation they’re a shower of you know what word comes next. 

You have my sympathy

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1 minute ago, figgy said:

To think how good they used to be years ago as the only telecoms company. You had s problem it was sorted out quickly, wanted a new phone or fax etc there within days. 

Since privatisation they’re a shower of you know what word comes next. 

You have my sympathy

Thanks Figgy, but for some reason this topic was posted again when I tried to start another! 

Do I have to clear editor before I can post another topic?

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Swift e-mail to CEO of BT. Don't get messed about.

Just sent this to First Buses:-



Mr Fearnley
My grandson uses First Buses to travel to school. Twice a week, he makes that journey from our home. He travels from  Bolton  to ******** on your *** service. He has an IGO card, entitling him to a concessionary fare. I understand the normal cost should be £1.15 - single fare. However, the amount that he has been compelled to pay is anything from £1.15, to £1.35 and most recently £1.65.
He is 11 year and doesn't have the confidence to challenge the incompetence of your drivers. I rang your call centre in Glasgow this morning and spoke to a Kimberley and then her manager. I was stunned to be told that the actual fare should have been between £0.65 and £0.75, the actual charge depending on the driver. I will admit to being unaware that the driver could charge what he felt like, rashly thinking that fares were a fixed rate.
I have made a complaint via your call centre, but have no confidence that the matter will be properly dealt with. I don't know whether this is incompetence on the part of your drivers, who appear to pluck departure and arrival destinations out of thin air. It could equally be inexperience or even deliberate fraud.
I would appreciate an explanation as to the correct fare and ask what you intend to do about ensuring that this will not happen on a regular basis. I am unaware of which body to contact:-
Traffic Commissioner
 but am happy to complain to each and every one,
The cost is relatively trivial, but it has upset my grandson, who has been embarrassed on a few occasions and I regard it as inept service at best, deliberate over-charging at worst. It is nothing less than shabby. 


Sent late Friday afternoon. Got a reply from his iPad within an hour. Hopefully sorted.

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10 hours ago, figgy said:

To think how good they used to be years ago as the only telecoms company. You had s problem it was sorted out quickly, wanted a new phone or fax etc there within days. 

Since privatisation they’re a shower of you know what word comes next. 

You have my sympathy

Same with Post Office parcels, when they were the only provider all they wanted was the weight, now here in Highlands & Island we are charged whatever carriers think we are silly enough to pay.

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I realise that this will buck the trend but I actually had a result from the BT wallahs in India the other evening who managed to increase my broadband speed from an unexpected throttled speed of 0.12 mbps to 2.6 mbps in just over 90 minutes. I am convinced it was because they understood me when I shouted down the phone at them in an authoritative way - my Mrs says I was downright rude - she is always right ..... 

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Maybe I'm paranoid and (again!) over-thinking things, but I like to do things by e-mail, you have a paper trail that way of commitments that have been made. Further still (but this definitely is my paranoia), I have an app for recording calls on my android called ACL. When things heat up a bit, I always let them know I'm recording my calls for training and monitoring purposes. If it's good enough for them....


EDIT: I guess the above's probably irrelevant, since they're not denying what they claimed they'd do, they're just blatantly saying they go back on their word. Idiots mate.

Edited by DanBettin
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