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Nature versus nurture


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There’s a few threads running on here about miscreants and bad ******* so I thought we might have a bit of a theological discussion on whether they’re made bad or born bad. 

Personally I try to avoid as much human interaction as possible which is why I work with animals but they’re just as bad! There are definitely horses that are born bad. And I think it’s the same with humans. I have 2 siblings, both are a waste of oxygen, we were always treated the same and had very similar experiences but neither ever had any sort of work ethic and both have lead lives fitting of an appearance on Jeremy Kyle whereas I’ve worked ever since I was 14 as well as doing well at school etc etc and consider myself fairly well rounded. Then we’ve got the foster kids. We had 4. The first was massively failed by the system so we’ll ignore her. Of the other 3 the eldest was naughty but fundamentally a good kid, the youngest is pig headed but fundamentally a good kid and the middle one is just a bad un. He’ll swap the care system for jail eventually I imagine because he has no moral compass or regard for anyone or anything else. The nurture has not been able to remove the badness from his nature. 

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Nature is responsible without a doubt, however nurture can help to retrain them. However, some will always be bad. A friend adopted two kids when they were very young, taken away from a bad family. They couldn’t have fallen in their feet better if they tried. They had a beautiful house, wanted for nothing and all the love in the world. But, they both turned feral as teenagers and went into the life that their true parents had led. Drugs, sleeping rough, stealing, and ultimately prison, 

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I also think some are born bad iv'e seen a few in my time and from a very young age with good parents and nothing to cause bad behavior but the child is just plain bad and grew up into real bad pieces of work.

Some are really just born very bad and evil and nothing will alter that. 

How can they explain instinct your born with, I think the way we are generally is along the same lines. 

Edited by figgy
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Maybe less Theological than Philosophical Ben?

Any one with common sense knows we are on a one way street and the ending maybe quite interesting?

Seemingly the drivers in society will not disclose or discuss the outcomes, everything seems to be sanitised and buried fast, probably to lower the temperature of the masses?

It certainly seems true that feral wild life breeds out of control as part of evolution?

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certainly an interesting idea, I think there are a lot of kids growing up these days who's parents or parent have never worked, just lived off the system so how are they going to feel any different?

At the same time having everything you want handed to you on a plate ie spoilt doesn't give you any regard for the value of things.

every chance the kid who did the car tyre on the other thread was from a perfectly normal house, just bored and thought why not. 

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6 hours ago, Scully said:

While I’d agree much can depend on an individuals social and economic background, I believe much depends on an individuals chemical make up.

My parents split when I was 6 months old my mother a Greek immigrant moved from rural Kent to london everything was a struggle which resulted in me and my brother spending a lot of our childhoods in children’s homes, which in the 70’s was not a very nice experience. We rejoined our mother at 10yrs old and lived on broadwater farm council estate (where pc Keith blakelock was murderd) Fast forward to now, I’m a retired firefighter with the distinction of having received bravery awards in three different decades, I now drive a bus but in my mind I’m a firefighter driving a bus and my brother has a very successful business.

nature or nurture? I don’t know, but I do wonder if I’d have had it more cushy wether I’d be who I am today.

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I reckon 99% of the time nurture is the biggest factor, most prisoners who come in and out of prison will have had their farther in and out to and probably their children in the future as well, then you've got psychopaths who can be made ( so nurture again) think Isis and the like, but I beleive they can be born that way to, lots of serial killers and the like have come from decent enough homes.

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