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Bill Oddie

henry d

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I read a article in the Shooting Times a few years back about big oodle and it went something like this.


A writer for the mag related a story about big oodle deciding to walk out over a wildfowlers site after being warned that their were nesting birds there. The author took the opinion that he was just being a **** to annoy the guns and when challenged he shouted to the guns that he knew what he was doing and unlike them didn't murder birds and carried on regardless.


Up to that point in time I had no feelings, positive or negative, about him other than him being the fat one in the goodies (which was the poor mans version of monty python) I then thought what an ignorant *****.


Does anyone else remember the article?





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A lady at work who has since retired was a keen twitcher. She went to see a rare bird that had landed in England that was attracting attention, Oddie was also in attendance and was copping the right bum 'ole as there were too many people there and he was not getting a proper look. He suggested that it was only "proffesional" twitchers who should be there as the "commoners" were spoiling it for them. She said he the most horrid man she had met, which is something because she worked with me.

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Oddie is an absolute hypocrit. He is happy to use keepered land to make his programms, yet seeks to have a poke at keepers at any opportunity. In my opinion the man is a tool. I boycot his programms on principal. If more did the same his ratings would drop and then possibly he would get dropped.



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I remember another article in which a couple of wardens on some reserve were given the job of keeping “Twichers†away from a nest (can’t remember what it was). Bill Oddball came along and refused to do as he was asked, citing that HE knew what he was doing. He then went on to walk right up to the nest and caused a great deal of disturbance, making it a possibility that the birds could well have abandoned their young.

The man is a self serving **** who thinks that he is some sort of international celebrity and ornithologist. The trouble is there are likeminded ****** running the BBC who think along the same lines. :good:


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same post as 'Bovine TB'


One day these and Mr B Odious might be put on the list...I have a little list! :good: Pest species both of them. As this government seem to have little idea about what goes on in the countryside and what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over :lol:

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I recently saw the fat lying *** doing a show about the successful conservation of Stone Curlews.......typically he neglected to mention that it was on keepered land :good:

It's about time the BBC got shot of it's extreme left component....they are, after all, public servants.

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Hopefuly channels like "horse and country" will start putting the record straight.


Shall we make a "PW" programme for the channel?


I get the impression that most PW members have faces better suited to radio

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and where did u get that idea, im sure we wouldnt mind seeing some of the girls off here :lol:

As long as we lock up the Screaming Great Hoolie Scary thing first as remember boys and girls... In the poll flash was voted as being most like the boy that the Screaming Great Hoolie Scary thing petrified and darebear was unanimously voted as looking most like the Screaming Great Hoolie Scary thing!


View here for those that think I've completely lost it. Where it all began!


And here The poll with the results



Tin hat on and hiding. ;)











Back on topic. I remember the story in Shooting Times and it was wardens on a nature reserve which Bill ignored and then proceeded to trapse through a sensitive area in a wildlife reserve. :good:



FM :lol:

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