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Not really my thing even if I had the opportunity or the money to do it, But everyone for themself I suppose.


Does anyone know what calibre of Double rifle is he using?

What ever it is it certainly is knocking down any of the Big 5 game species.

I was also unaware that Big game hunting was done at that close range over Iron sights.



Regards starlight32

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For me everyone has jumped on the mullet-sporting shooter, but when did he shoot? How much did he pay? Who took that money and spent it on meths the ******* ******?


I don't see a problem, wasn't now, wasn't even this decade, lighten up people :good:

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For me everyone has jumped on the mullet-sporting shooter, but when did he shoot? How much did he pay? Who took that money and spent it on meths the ******* ******?


I don't see a problem, wasn't now, wasn't even this decade, lighten up people :good:



Come on now pull your head out of the sand.... it happened. Doesnt matter when.


:good: D2D

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Lighten up, Why?


If you don't like something it a free world, so state it.


For me it is distasteful. I will stick to vermin and the odd deer.


That is my opinion stated. If you don't like it, re-run the video and ask the lepard

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As said already - each to their own. I, personally don't see the point. If the so called hunters weren't there then the animals wouldn't charge at them. I know that the tribesmen usually allow the shooting in return for the kills for the food for the tribe, so I suppose there's the excuse :good:

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That wasn't exactly self defence. Too close up for my taste, I dont consider that sporting in any way. I'd hate to imagine what the total tonnage of wasted dead animals amounted to.


I'd like to imagine mullet man will get his before long.


What a total wa***r



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Especially hunting hippo that close - they kill more people in Africa every year than any other animal. Would serve him right to get bitten in half.


I'd guess by the mullet and general look that he's an Afrikaner showing of after too many brandy and cokes.


I've been on 15 safaris in Africa over the last 25 years and made radio documentaries on conservation and hunting there. Like with BASC and responsible hunters here there are sound human, conservation and economic reasons for backing responsible and organised hunting in much of Africa - but lions are getting in pretty short supply and are rarely pests like foxes; and leopards are not so common, so shooting them is dodgy in my view. Buffalo and hippo are in plentiful supply, but the guy in the video was just shooting to show off. It was killing for the sake of killing.


I can tell you from personal experience, that hippo meat is v good. Needs long slow cooking and don't have it rare as hippos pick up lots of waterborne parasites. I ate hippo when i was working in Malawi and local people had killed one that was raiding their maize fields.

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Calm down, its not like shooting foxes that are running ( do people do that with rifles ? no respect for the fox if they do ). Its not like shooting rabbits its actually shooting big game in Africa ! Amazing that what he does is so wrong yet shooting 236 pigeons / 173 crows / 11 foxes is just fine.

They were for the most part clean and instant kills, whether you agree with what he was shooting or not makes no odds at all. Define overkill ? Not as if the animal was blasted into oblivion and it warrented a tad more than a gat gun.

Tonnage of wasted meat ? Must have missed the bit where the animal was left to rot away.

Killing for the sake of killing ? Sickened by animals that you associate with zoos being killed ? Do you live in the real world ?

Safaris are massive earners for the poorer African countries and are the main reason for the decline in poaching.

If killing upsets you so much sell your guns and hug a bunny :good:

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You can pay to go big game hunting in Africa. In some areas elephant, hippo, buffalo and other animals are causing a lot of problems so if they have to be shot why not let someone rich bloke pay for the privelage. I understand all the meat goes to the locals.


Whatever floats your boat really.



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you have to admit the stpping power on the gun he was using was awesome (anyone know the round), it had to be, in some of the clips there he could have been killed, what if the round missfired, the average male weighs 600-700 kilos, a fully grown mature bull can exeed 900 kilos, if a missfire was to happen, with the best part of a tonne of muscle and strength comming towards you, angry and wanting to kill you, I really would not want to be in his shoes.


needless slaughter, nothing sporting about that in my oppinion.


Steve :D :blink: ???:):good::)

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the average male weighs 600-700 kilos, a fully grown mature bull can exeed 900 kilos, if a missfire was to happen, with the best part of a tonne of muscle and strength comming towards you, angry and wanting to kill you, I really would not want to be in his shoes.


Bigger than that....wikpedia says:


The average weights for adult males ranged between 1500–1800 kg (3,300–4,000 lbs). Females are smaller than their male counterparts, with average weights measuring between 1300–1,500 kg (2,900–3,300 lbs).[4] Older males can get much larger, reaching at least 3,200 kg (7,100 lbs). Male hippos appear to continue growing throughout their lives; females reach a maximum weight at around age 25.[19]


Hippos average 3.5 meters (11 ft) long, 1.5 meters (5 ft) tall at the shoulder.


3 tons for an adult male. I think a wel plaed shot with a HMR should do the job!



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