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Strange lincoln No4


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Hello, im trying to find some information on a gun that ive recieved from a friend that is packing up shooting. Its a lincoln No4 3" chambered, its nothing exciting but it has a strange set of barrels like ive never seen before, and when I google lincoln No4 nothing comes up that looks like this one. The barrels are seperated instead of soldered/joined and the rib is in two pieces, just a few inches at each end of the barrel. The barrels are stamped up lincoln no4 but they just look different. Does anybody know anything about this gun? Thanks


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Lincolns came in various guises . Dont forget Lincoln was just a branding name , guns sourced from different makers and sold as certain models  as long as they met the basic description and specs .

Several makers have used this "rib-less "style , more frequent on folding guns and 410's .

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Lincoln guns were made by Fabbrica Armi Isidora rizinni ( F.A.I.R ) Brother to Emiliou and Batista Rizinni ( who have / had their own factories Batista still going strong making fine guns  Emiliou from memory married into the Fausti family of sisters )  which were imported by David Nickerson of Lincoln. Hence the name

Started up some 25 / 30 years ago with a Lincoln no2 that set the presidence for all their future guns

I have just sold my no2 side plated Lincoln with nice engraving and lovely walnut woodwork

Now imported by John Rothery

This gun has been made for sporting clay shooting with the idea of keeping the barrels as cool as possible

I have seen the odd gun that looks similar but not many around

Do you intend using it ?

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10 hours ago, Stephen-H said:

There's a lincoln prestige for sale in my local club when I Google it tho it's only comes up with the lincoln prestige jubilee models as if the standard prestige had never been made 

F.A.I.R made a Lincoln Jubilee which had a POW stock but no sideplates like the current Lincoln Jubilee Prestige. If the one in your local gun club has sideplates, then I would think that it's the Jubilee Prestige model.

Out of interest, what is the price ?


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21 minutes ago, Old Boggy said:

F.A.I.R made a Lincoln Jubilee which had a POW stock but no sideplates like the current Lincoln Jubilee Prestige. If the one in your local gun club has sideplates, then I would think that it's the Jubilee Prestige model.

Out of interest, what is the price ?


I've a picture of it on my phone but it won't let me upload it as the file is to big . It's has game scene engraving on the side plates . But it hasn't got the black and gold colouring on the side like the jubilee models that Google & gun trader show . I was told it was up for £750 but I didn't contact the seller to double check. if you like I could email the picture to you? 

Have managed to find a link to one on gun star that has sold 


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52 minutes ago, snow white said:

I can’t see any side plates on that gun I have a three Lincoln’s the premiere the premiere gold and the jubilee premiere gold with side plates and it does not look like any of them.

I agree. No sideplates. I suspect that it could have been named incorrectly by the seller. Unless of course it's an older model, no longer made.


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