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Bad Day


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After noticing my lad (ESS) has been breathing fast, even at rest, we popped him to the Vet today and 2 hours later heard that he has an enlarged heart and a "kink" in his Aorta - he is only 5 and we are devastated to hear such bad news. According to the Vet his condition is either genetic (unlikely as he has a string of FT champions behind him) or has been caused by Trauma - there is a Dog where we walk him that seems hell bent on running into other Dogs as they run past. If we have been lucky and caught the condition early then he may lead a long and relatively normal life but he is going to have to learn to calm down - not easy as he is manic most of the time. He is on a strong initial dose of Diuretics to try and remove the accumulated fluid from his stomach and lungs so the next few days will be critical. I'm , tbh, in pieces over this, just thought I would share.

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Very sorry to hear that mate .

And obviously a topic very close to my own heart .

Im sitting listening to my ess .panting hard now .but we are just in from a walk /run after his ball .

Keep us posted and fingers crossed 

Edited by Ultrastu
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Oh bless him I hope he gets sorted.

Just to add that having FTCHs in the line doesn’t preclude them from having health problems, one of my springers from trialling lines is a carrier for PRA for example, (which is a condition you can test for hence how I know). Another if not better bred of mine from extremely well known lines cannot tolerate certain vaccines (and I know of others from the same FTCH sire that have autoimmune issues) so there’s bound to be many many other conditions underlying that we can’t test for.


Really hope your boy gets better soon, a worrying time for you all 😔

Edited by bigbird
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