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End of month we having snow


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1 hour ago, Rob525 said:

In all honesty I can say I've been in Canada at -25 and in england -5 feels a dam site colder for some reason!!

-25 feels warmer because all the moisture in the air is taken out completely leaving the skies clear and deep blue. 

Edited by Vince Green
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I have chains, shovel and track boards in my pickup. Only required once in last three years, but it is no good being in the position where you need them and finding they are sitting on the shelf in the garage. Come the end of March they’ll go back on the shelf in the garage 

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41 minutes ago, Arron yeates said:

I live on a hill and when it snows they dont grit it no one goes out in the cars and no one knows how to drive. The only snow marks are from my wheels lol i will drive in any weather with no issues just be safe and use your gears correctly. 

Modern car tyres can't cope with snow as well as the old style tyres although they weren't great.

Low profile tyres like the ones on my car are lethal

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12 hours ago, Penelope said:

Snow is easier to deal with if your get like clock work every year.

Isn`t that the truth, or when it snows for a long period of time, yet we still get people bleat on about it, if you want every last inch of snow and ice off pavement and road then please feel free to fund it

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14 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

If you open your windows you can hear the wind being sucked into Towns and City's as folk rush to Super Markets in an attempt to top up on Easter Eggs and other essentials.Met Office struggle to predict yesterday's weather in their Car Park.


13 hours ago, Walker570 said:

Yep, remember 63/4 and 93 and it all went carzy 93 all the power lines went down and without electricty for 8 days just fired up the log burner and cooked meals on that.  I have a friend in the Rockies where they can get five to six inches a night for weeks and still survive and get to work.


It could be that over there they want to?

Edited by old man
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I was not around back then but you not the only that mentioned about them dates I know what I toldby other people the buses on high streets was stuck in the snow and people walked to work or school back then now every thing is now health and safety also every thing comes to a stand still

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