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The lead shot ban , this is even worse , the so called green waste


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My other interest is metal detecting  , years ago dectorist  searching land were this so called green waste was spread on the land  were finding very scary stuff , the link tell you more about it . Unbeknownst  to farmers they were given this stuff thinking free compost  to be later told there land had been polluted  tons upon tons of the stuff .


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How often  these places are checked I have no idea , the big problem is the stuff that's all read been spread on the land . There is no way of getting it back of . Tons  and tons every were . What will happen to wild life , to livestock . Or it getting into the food chain . I saw it first hand a few years ago on a field in Lincolnshire  scary sight .

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another concern with green waste is plant diseases and blights , a lot of this stuff is going into bagged up compost that people are putting back on their gardens , most members of the allotment i'm on take diseased plants  home to but them in the Green bin and this is recycled again, this waste is supposed to turned and heat should build up over six weeks ! a chap I know works on one of these plants and I asked him about how they made it he said it should be six weeks composting but if they ran out of old stuff the new goes into mixer !  there are only a few compost makes that state Green Waste Free on their product ! 

the biggest disease problem facing uk farmers at the moment is Clubroot on oilseed rape  !


Edited by derbyduck
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