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Whelping diary


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*All pups spoken for at time of post, NOT an advert*

As I’m up with nothing to do but watch my cocker bitch who looks like she may be starting to whelp I thought I would write it down as a sort of account, in case it helps anybody who is also expecting puppies and who may not know what to expect (always expect the unexpected!)

Pip is now in her whelping quarters under an infrared lamp. She’s 58 days from mating. I’ve a feeling she may go tonight / tomorrow as she’s been scratching around in her bed and even more needy than usual. She’s also gone off her food - VERY strange for her 😂 

Some people do the whole temperature taking thing and that’s great! I don’t (mostly because if I left the thermometer around the kids or hubby would be using it 🤢😂)

I always use one of the plastic kidney shaped beds as I find it guides the pups into the right place rather than a square whelping box as we’ve found they can get ‘stuck’ in the corners.

She has kicked her vet bed out of the plastic bed for now - I’m not worried as I can always pop it back in when she starts.

Knowing her it may be a false alarm but I can’t go to bed given she’s nesting and also looking around at her back end every now and then. What I’m really looking for to let me know she’s definitely started is her ‘dithering’, sort of shaking every few minutes or so, but again they don’t always do that.

They’re all different so we’ll wait and see!

Photo taken from inside so she doesn’t spot me!


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Yep!! 😂



One or two members have pm’d me for advice on whelping which is difficult as they’re all different and as first port of call in any uncertainty should be the vet but I just thought I would document this one for better or for worse...

Shes increasingly restless now and less interested in me, also panting a lot more...

I do wonder given that it’s 58 days and not the 63 cited on the internet if it’s maybe the fact she can hear Turbo’s pups squeaking every now and then and it may have set her off early, much like keeping bitches together means they tend to sync their seasons.

That said, I’ve found they tend to whelp on an average of 60 days from mating. Of course this doesn’t always tie in with ovulation (excuse the pun)

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Lots of panting, also yawning which could be tiredness and / or stress. 


Now the little swine’s gone back to sleep whilst I sit on the stairs and stare at her through the window, scared to go to bed just in case 🙄😂

Seriously guys if you’re reading this you must be so bored already 😂

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That’s interesting, I’ve never seen a bitch do this before but she’s licking and cleaning her tummy and teats as if in readiness - she has had a couple of litters so this could be down to experience and knowing what’s coming.

With a bitch that hasn’t has pups before you would expect to see a fluid filled sac just before she has pups, however with a bitch who has had a litter before they’ve got all that covered and you may not see it as they know what’s going on and will clean it up straight away. They may also tell you they urgently need a poo so you take them for one and it is the above or perhaps even a pup so be on your guard and prepared to scoop the little one up!

God this is so boring I know 😂

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2 hours ago, bigbird said:

Gave up and went to bed, just as well or I would have been up all night for nothing 😂

Just been to check and a black boy has just been born ❤️

Shouldn't it be a dog of colour in this PC World. 😂

Looking forward to hearing how it all goes 

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2 hours ago, bigbird said:

Now on 7, don’t think the tiny one’s going to make it, no suck reflex whatsoever which is sad 😔 

Dont know the boy / girl ratio yet...

Thats a shame. 😪 It it worth trying to hand rear initially or is it unlikely to survive anyway.

Six good ones so far is a nice number, but 7 would be better. Hope he perks up.

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Don’t know how I’ve managed to quote myself below 🙄

Sorry, knackered 😂

So the little one has passed away but we have five (miscounted!) chunky pups ❤️

12 hours ago, bigbird said:

Sorry, knackered 😂

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Hi bigbird - unfortunately that’s the sharp end of nature  ! It’s rubbish but guess you have to focus on mum and the pups !

hows pip ? Milk come in ? Is she coping with looking after her new brood ? 

‘Keep us updated when you have energy.

all the best Agriv8 

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