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Wedding speech

BSA Shaun

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I did mine a couple of months ago, and while bricking it a bit it went fine and afterwards didn't know what I was worried about. Everyone is on your side and will laugh at anything.


Anyway don't worry it's the best man who has all the pressure to perform.


Remember to thank bridesmaids, mums, bestman, something funny about how you met etc and you'll be fine. I'd stay away from traditional **** jokes but that's just my opinion.


I know a couple of good websites for info or advice if you want including one that has loads of examples of all different speeches so you can get an idea.

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When I did mine I'd just made a list of about a dozen bullet points that I knew I'd be able to make a speach round, There I am sat down waiting to follow the father of the bride and as he did his speach I had to cross out 9 of the 12 points as he'd included them in his... Doh... Struggled throuhg it and it seamed to go well.

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Did mine last month. I started going down the internet route then quickly realised that it wasn't "me".


My advice would be to just make your speech from the heart - people remember the real, meaningful bits rather than the funnies/jokes. (But try to make some bits funny). Your speech is basically a list of thank you's that you need to string together - guests, parents, bride, page boys/flower girls, ushers, bridesmaids, ushers, helpers, etc.


You could include a bit about how you met, or how you proposed - some kind of insight into your relationship that those that don't know you too well will be interested in. Remember to do a mushy bit - how you were blown away when you first met/bride walked in today/said yes at the proposal/whatever. If appropriate, thank her parent(s) for welcoming you into their family, etc.


Don't worry too much - your guests are with you, already enjoying themselves and will laugh at the slightest thing. You are allowed to be a bit nervous/tense so they will be easily forgiving if you stumble a tad.


Good luck!

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I think I have a video (MPEG or whatever) of a best man speech I did last year. Obviously it was hilarious.


You can't beat the "she's a great cook in the kitchen and a great hor (pause and turn page slowly)....


ticulturist in the garden".


On my speach you can hear the groom's grandmother in the back ground go "oooooooonnnooooooo" in the back ground during the pregnant pause between hor and ticulturist.


One of many crowd pleasers.

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