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Funny how things change over time. As a child I hated all manner of foods, Brussel Sprouts, Cabage, Spinach, Mushrooms, most fish particularly Tuna and Prawns. But all these foods I would steer clear of, I now enjoy or even love.


What foods have you grown to love and hate?

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Ina word,




I used to despise the stuff until one day fishing on a boat in the English Channel and I was absolutely starving and all my Dad had packed was cheese rolls, so it was a case of starve for hours or eat them.


Now I will eat all kinds of cheese, even the stuff that really stinks and is already mouldy when you buy it.

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I'm getting back into liking salmon now, something I was never very keen on as a child. Also, I'm more than happy to drink vodka these days, something that I never used to as a child.


However, I _still_ have a problem with rice pudding (nothing wrong with it, I just don't like it) and bread and butter pudding (same thing... My mum's recipie put me off it). Other than that, I used to eat damn near everything as still pretty much do.

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I hated anything green and cheese and being a son of Irish Catholics it caused some almighty rows.


I eat everything now except sprouts which still make me vomit violently and I try every few months or so :)


Still have trouble with faggots and offal but when presented right I can consume them.





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I love most foods.despite being brought up on alot of stuff with chips.Fresh chips tho.Ham,beans and chips was a west Cumbrian delicacy in late 60,s early 70,s.Still like it.my 1st taste of anything foreign was Pot Noodle and eating the leftovers of my older brothers chinese.When i 1st cooked Bachelors Savoury Rice I thought I would serve it on toast,as it was kind of bean shaped.Now I have eaten well in many parts of the world with relish because of my background and hunger.i actually fished a part eaten burger out of a bin at a festival cos I was skint and starving.All food is good.Wish I could convince the family of that.

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When I was a kid I really hated mushrooms and chilli con carne. I don't mind mushrooms now, and would eat chilli every day if I could get away with it! Now I've experienced more flavours I know that I don't really like olives or fish much, but I will still eat them if someone's made the effort to cook them for me. I can't think of any food that I'd refuse to eat, even to the point of those big grubs that the african tribes eat. Anything's worth a go!


One weird point is that I've always loved sprouts. Some people hate them because they contain a chemical that makes some people want to vomit, so give up LB, you're not going to win this one :)

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When I was a kid I really hated mushrooms and chilli con carne. I don't mind mushrooms now, and would eat chilli every day if I could get away with it! Now I've experienced more flavours I know that I don't really like olives or fish much, but I will still eat them if someone's made the effort to cook them for me. I can't think of any food that I'd refuse to eat, even to the point of those big grubs that the african tribes eat. Anything's worth a go!


One weird point is that I've always loved sprouts. Some people hate them because they contain a chemical that makes some people want to vomit, so give up LB, you're not going to win this one :)



In that case I surrender, hands up and all that.






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i didnt like fish but now i love it except for tinned fish

i still pretty much despise that even the smell makes

me wanna vom but the worst of the worst for me is

marzipan or anything containing ground almonds

whole almonds are fine but as soon as there ground

is when they take on the other flavour which i can detect

the slightist hint of it its a bloody pity though cus whenever

anybody buys us continental choccies especially for xmas

then my wife as to eat most of them due to most continental

chocs containing the dreaded substance i think the rotters

do it on purpose.




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Eat most things nowadays, even marzipan(?) on occasion, but still can't stand tuna, had to get my order at the cafe changed to takeaway on friday as someone was eating tuna sald at one of the tables, even had to stand outside in the rain because the smell was churning my gut's :o

I'm the same. :/ Still, I suppose I am doing my bit for fish stocks and dolphins. B)


FM :)

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