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Questions of origin


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The US senate committee looking into the probable origins of covid have come up with some interesting conclusions , which , strangely , havent made MSN .

“Based on the analysis of the publicly available information, it appears reasonable to conclude that the Covid-19 pandemic was, more likely than not, the result of a research-related incident.”


Ill translate , It escaped from a lab.

But the plot thickens, reports of covid being around before the virus was even known about persist , again , the MSM seems to want to ignore compelling evidence of this .

It simply begs the question, IF it leaked from a lab , somewhere, and was virtually unchecked for several months, a global population completely unaware, unprotected , should have been dropping like flies ?


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Does it matter were it came from, its here and we have to live with it.  If it was a Chinese lab they will deny it and nothing will be done, labs in different countries including the UK have and are holding and experimenting with similar and more lethal viruses etc.  It was only a matter of time. 

Edited by ordnance
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15 hours ago, ordnance said:

Does it matter were it came from, its here and we have to live with it. 

What a strange thing to say.
A question 'Does it matter where it came from?' and a statement, 'Its here and we have to live with it'

Lets start with the question.
Did it originate from a Chinese meat market , a US funded Chinese bio research lab, or somewhere else ?
Its important because the first is accidental, naturally occurring , unlikely to happen with large frequency, the second denotes either intentional or accidental release from the Chinese, accidental is something that can be avoided , and there is evidence to say the Wuhan labs protocols were abysmal.
Deliberate release, how would you feel about that ? The funny thing is , literally no one has mentioned that , least of all the US, I find that strange in itself , when the Yanks try to pin all kinds of stuff on the Chinese.
Imagine if patient zero had been in Russia....?

Which leads me onto patient zero , and the 3rd option, of it originating somewhere else.
Patient zero was once alleged to have been a man called Chen (SO1) , an accountant who lived in Wuhan, and was not a visitor to wet markets , or anything to do with bio research, he was diagnosed on 1 Dec 2019, details are very hazy about this , as it appears the Chinese did much to cover this up.

Clues in Europe

Three days before Patient S01’s symptoms began, on Dec. 5, 2019, an oral swab was taken from a 4-year-old boy outside of Milan who was suspected of having measles. Months later, it tested positive for coronavirus RNA. The case, outlined in the Emerging Infectious Diseases journal, is one of several European studies suggesting the virus may have circulated undetected overseas for weeks, even months.

Researchers in France say they found hints of the virus even earlier, in November. A team from France’s National Institute for Health and Medical Research and other institutes retrospectively examined over 9,000 serum samples banked as part of a public health project from November 2019 through March 2020.

To date , multiple countries have posted, hard evidence to say that covid was present in samples taken from summer 2019 onwards , to virtually no response from governments or MSM.

So if covid was 'around' unchecked , where was the pandemic , an unsuspecting populace should have been scythed down in the hundreds of thousands, yet besides the usual Xmas blip in deaths from chest related illness, nothing ?
So , if covid came from China, and the pandemic started in China, what could possibly explain these samples pre dating it ?
Unless of course, it DIDNT start in China, or was artificially made to look like it came from China ? Which would certainly explain why no one wants to point the finger of blame at the Chinese with any conviction ......

The statement , yes we have to live with it , but at what cost , and I am talking about financially ?
Also , if as is strongly suspected now by many parties , the origins of covid are a bio lab, what about the next time ? Those same parties are already talking about it, which makes me feel very uncomfortable....

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58 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

What a strange thing to say.
A question 'Does it matter where it came from?' and a statement, 'Its here and we have to live with it'

Lets start with the question.
Did it originate from a Chinese meat market , a US funded Chinese bio research lab, or somewhere else ?
Its important because the first is accidental, naturally occurring , unlikely to happen with large frequency, the second denotes either intentional or accidental release from the Chinese, accidental is something that can be avoided , and there is evidence to say the Wuhan labs protocols were abysmal.
Deliberate release, how would you feel about that ? The funny thing is , literally no one has mentioned that , least of all the US, I find that strange in itself , when the Yanks try to pin all kinds of stuff on the Chinese.
Imagine if patient zero had been in Russia....?

Which leads me onto patient zero , and the 3rd option, of it originating somewhere else.
Patient zero was once alleged to have been a man called Chen (SO1) , an accountant who lived in Wuhan, and was not a visitor to wet markets , or anything to do with bio research, he was diagnosed on 1 Dec 2019, details are very hazy about this , as it appears the Chinese did much to cover this up.

Clues in Europe

Three days before Patient S01’s symptoms began, on Dec. 5, 2019, an oral swab was taken from a 4-year-old boy outside of Milan who was suspected of having measles. Months later, it tested positive for coronavirus RNA. The case, outlined in the Emerging Infectious Diseases journal, is one of several European studies suggesting the virus may have circulated undetected overseas for weeks, even months.

Researchers in France say they found hints of the virus even earlier, in November. A team from France’s National Institute for Health and Medical Research and other institutes retrospectively examined over 9,000 serum samples banked as part of a public health project from November 2019 through March 2020.

To date , multiple countries have posted, hard evidence to say that covid was present in samples taken from summer 2019 onwards , to virtually no response from governments or MSM.

So if covid was 'around' unchecked , where was the pandemic , an unsuspecting populace should have been scythed down in the hundreds of thousands, yet besides the usual Xmas blip in deaths from chest related illness, nothing ?
So , if covid came from China, and the pandemic started in China, what could possibly explain these samples pre dating it ?
Unless of course, it DIDNT start in China, or was artificially made to look like it came from China ? Which would certainly explain why no one wants to point the finger of blame at the Chinese with any conviction ......

The statement , yes we have to live with it , but at what cost , and I am talking about financially ?
Also , if as is strongly suspected now by many parties , the origins of covid are a bio lab, what about the next time ? Those same parties are already talking about it, which makes me feel very uncomfortable....

The answer is in red!! Or so I thought.

The further detail is interesting.

Edited by Penelope
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2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

What a strange thing to say.
A question 'Does it matter where it came from?' and a statement, 'Its here and we have to live with it'

Lets start with the question.
Did it originate from a Chinese meat market , a US funded Chinese bio research lab, or somewhere else ?
Its important because the first is accidental, naturally occurring , unlikely to happen with large frequency, the second denotes either intentional or accidental release from the Chinese, accidental is something that can be avoided , and there is evidence to say the Wuhan labs protocols were abysmal.
Deliberate release, how would you feel about that ? The funny thing is , literally no one has mentioned that , least of all the US, I find that strange in itself , when the Yanks try to pin all kinds of stuff on the Chinese.
Imagine if patient zero had been in Russia....?

Which leads me onto patient zero , and the 3rd option, of it originating somewhere else.
Patient zero was once alleged to have been a man called Chen (SO1) , an accountant who lived in Wuhan, and was not a visitor to wet markets , or anything to do with bio research, he was diagnosed on 1 Dec 2019, details are very hazy about this , as it appears the Chinese did much to cover this up.

Clues in Europe

Three days before Patient S01’s symptoms began, on Dec. 5, 2019, an oral swab was taken from a 4-year-old boy outside of Milan who was suspected of having measles. Months later, it tested positive for coronavirus RNA. The case, outlined in the Emerging Infectious Diseases journal, is one of several European studies suggesting the virus may have circulated undetected overseas for weeks, even months.

Researchers in France say they found hints of the virus even earlier, in November. A team from France’s National Institute for Health and Medical Research and other institutes retrospectively examined over 9,000 serum samples banked as part of a public health project from November 2019 through March 2020.

To date , multiple countries have posted, hard evidence to say that covid was present in samples taken from summer 2019 onwards , to virtually no response from governments or MSM.

So if covid was 'around' unchecked , where was the pandemic , an unsuspecting populace should have been scythed down in the hundreds of thousands, yet besides the usual Xmas blip in deaths from chest related illness, nothing ?
So , if covid came from China, and the pandemic started in China, what could possibly explain these samples pre dating it ?
Unless of course, it DIDNT start in China, or was artificially made to look like it came from China ? Which would certainly explain why no one wants to point the finger of blame at the Chinese with any conviction ......

The statement , yes we have to live with it , but at what cost , and I am talking about financially ?
Also , if as is strongly suspected now by many parties , the origins of covid are a bio lab, what about the next time ? Those same parties are already talking about it, which makes me feel very uncomfortable....

Because if it was leaked from a Chinese lab accidentally or on purpose they will deny it, and even if it was proven nothing would happen or be done about it. Ps I could post alternative views that it originated in the Wuhan market.

Edited by ordnance
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On 08/11/2022 at 17:08, ordnance said:

Because if it was leaked from a Chinese lab accidentally or on purpose they will deny it, and even if it was proven nothing would happen or be done about it. Ps I could post alternative views that it originated in the Wuhan market.

You could post what you like , but there isnt any evidence to support it, the evidence points to a lab grown virus, a deliberate mutation of a bat coro virus, that the Chinese ADMIT they were working on in Wuhan, with American money backing the project ?
So sorry to burst your early 2020 MSM bubble , but things have moved on, the truth is slowly leaking out under a wealth of evidence.

Governments over reacted, the countries that took the least measures , fared better in the long run.

Ivermectin DID work , tests now prove it did help both as a treatment and preventative.

Masks were ineffective , because people didnt use them properly.

Vaccines have been proven to cause mild to severe long term health issues, with many countries now recommending people not at risk, or below certain ages NOT use them , as the detriment to health outweighs the risk from covid.

Hows that for a load of 'conspiracy nonsense' that actually wasnt ?

You seem to think that the conspiracy theory that it was leaked deliberately has no foundation , and rather oddly 'doesnt matter' ?
The fact that the possibility remains, means it certainly does matter, but your brain seems unable to digest the implications ?

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6 hours ago, Rewulf said:

You could post what you like , but there isnt any evidence to support it, the evidence points to a lab grown virus, a deliberate mutation of a bat coro virus, that the Chinese ADMIT they were working on in Wuhan, with American money backing the project ?
So sorry to burst your early 2020 MSM bubble , but things have moved on, the truth is slowly leaking out under a wealth of evidence.

Governments over reacted, the countries that took the least measures , fared better in the long run.

Ivermectin DID work , tests now prove it did help both as a treatment and preventative.

Masks were ineffective , because people didnt use them properly.

Vaccines have been proven to cause mild to severe long term health issues, with many countries now recommending people not at risk, or below certain ages NOT use them , as the detriment to health outweighs the risk from covid.

Hows that for a load of 'conspiracy nonsense' that actually wasnt ?

You seem to think that the conspiracy theory that it was leaked deliberately has no foundation , and rather oddly 'doesnt matter' ?
The fact that the possibility remains, means it certainly does matter, but your brain seems unable to digest the implications ?

All views with no evidence as usual, you started the thread about the origian of Covid you are now with the post above taking it off topic. That just shows you started the thread as a excuse to spread more of your conspiracy nonsense, just more of the same 🥱







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1 hour ago, ordnance said:

All views with no evidence as usual, you started the thread about the origian of Covid you are now with the post above taking it off topic. That just shows you started the thread as a excuse to spread more of your conspiracy nonsense, just more of the same 🥱







Still see you struggle to read a post properly, try again, but you're back on ignore mode for now. 

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Hanlon’s Razor : never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

People were messing with ‘stuff’ in a lab somewhere and it got out. 

We can speculate endlessly about the purpose of any lab based ‘research’ but knowing how warm and friendly the Chinese are I would expect them to have been looking for a way of ironing out their elderly and infirm population as part of cost and resource saving.

The reaction around the world to covid has not been coordinated, controlled or staged by a secret cabal of ruling lizard people - it’s people being morons, again. 

As the pendulum swings back I would like to see more of the tyrannical leaders and experts up against the wall, but that’s not going to happen - we will give them book deals and blank cheques to go on game shows.

The depressing bit is that even with what we now know there are people still calling for lockdowns and masks - it just shows you how stupid the masses can be.

Anyway, there’s been some interesting studies about the ‘Physiognomy’ of fear.

There’s been a study of the physical characteristics of the leaders and experts who refused to lockdown and those who heavily backed lockdowns.

The long story short is that those who refused to lockdown and go against the nonsense were all fit, healthy, outgoing Alpha types and those who went big on lockdowns were the more drippy angsty worried well weaselly types.




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  • 2 weeks later...
15 hours ago, ordnance said:

If it was proven it escaped from a lab in China nothing will happen or change.

It 'escaped' did it ?
Does it not matter how it escaped, or indeed was possibly released, China (allegedly) suffered least from covid , considering it was the (alleged) source ?
Does it not matter that such an 'escape' could happen again , maybe with something more deadly ?

We have moved on from the LIE of mutated bat diseases, to negligent or deliberate leaks of deadly modified virus's, produced in China and paid for by the US....But you say it doesnt matter , and we have to just live with it ? :lol:

I bet you cant wait till the next one...Classic Plague Doctor Costume

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We need a full inquiry and inquisition to hold people to account and to ensure it never happens again.

I look back now at what happened in horror and I shudder.

The "medical advice" that we were all going to die and we should knit ourselves some face masks, the whole face mask debacle, ignoring the physics and mechanics of transmission, the R rate nonsensical calculations, the hysteria, the self appointed experts, the empowerment of the state and people being arrested for walking in a park with a coffee, the country closing for 2 years and social and economic impact of that, and the list goes on...

And we have Trudeau in the press this week praising the Chinese for fighting back against oppressive state mandated covid lock downs. Hello? Canadian Truckers anyone?

The world has gone mad.

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2 minutes ago, Mungler said:

We need a full inquiry and inquisition to hold people to account and to ensure it never happens again.

I look back now at what happened in horror and I shudder.

The "medical advice" that we were all going to die and we should knit ourselves some face masks, the whole face mask debacle, ignoring the physics and mechanics of transmission, the R rate nonsensical calculations, the hysteria, the self appointed experts, the empowerment of the state and people being arrested for walking in a park with a coffee, the country closing for 2 years and social and economic impact of that, and the list goes on...

And we have Trudeau in the press this week praising the Chinese for fighting back against oppressive state mandated covid lock downs. Hello? Canadian Truckers anyone?

The world has gone mad.

Spot on , yet there are those that are still embracing this 'new normal' sheep like existence, still wearing masks in shops, driving ! and even walking down the street.

It wasnt that long ago they were talking about forcing vaccination on the populace of various countries, and employing covid marshalls to stamp on anyone who dared pop there heads out their doors.
People forget this.

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5 hours ago, Mungler said:

We need a full inquiry and inquisition to hold people to account and to ensure it never happens again.

I look back now at what happened in horror and I shudder.

The "medical advice" that we were all going to die and we should knit ourselves some face masks, the whole face mask debacle, ignoring the physics and mechanics of transmission, the R rate nonsensical calculations, the hysteria, the self appointed experts, the empowerment of the state and people being arrested for walking in a park with a coffee, the country closing for 2 years and social and economic impact of that, and the list goes on...

And we have Trudeau in the press this week praising the Chinese for fighting back against oppressive state mandated covid lock downs. Hello? Canadian Truckers anyone?

The world has gone mad.

Excellent post. 

5 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Spot on , yet there are those that are still embracing this 'new normal' sheep like existence, still wearing masks in shops, driving ! and even walking down the street.

It wasnt that long ago they were talking about forcing vaccination on the populace of various countries, and employing covid marshalls to stamp on anyone who dared pop there heads out their doors.
People forget this.

And another. 

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7 hours ago, Mungler said:

We need a full inquiry and inquisition to hold people to account and to ensure it never happens again.

I look back now at what happened in horror and I shudder.

The "medical advice" that we were all going to die and we should knit ourselves some face masks, the whole face mask debacle, ignoring the physics and mechanics of transmission, the R rate nonsensical calculations, the hysteria, the self appointed experts, the empowerment of the state and people being arrested for walking in a park with a coffee, the country closing for 2 years and social and economic impact of that, and the list goes on...

And we have Trudeau in the press this week praising the Chinese for fighting back against oppressive state mandated covid lock downs. Hello? Canadian Truckers anyone?

The world has gone mad.

Is there not a inquiry taking place in the UK.


6 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Spot on , yet there are those that are still embracing this 'new normal' sheep like existence, still wearing masks in shops, driving ! and even walking down the street.

It wasnt that long ago they were talking about forcing vaccination on the populace of various countries, and employing covid marshalls to stamp on anyone who dared pop there heads out their doors.
People forget this.

Possibly but nothing to do with it's origin.

Edited by ordnance
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7 hours ago, Rewulf said:

It 'escaped' did it ?
Does it not matter how it escaped, or indeed was possibly released, China (allegedly) suffered least from covid , considering it was the (alleged) source ?
Does it not matter that such an 'escape' could happen again , maybe with something more deadly ?

We have moved on from the LIE of mutated bat diseases, to negligent or deliberate leaks of deadly modified virus's, produced in China and paid for by the US....But you say it doesnt matter , and we have to just live with it ? :lol:

I bet you cant wait till the next one...Classic Plague Doctor Costume

Yeah  🤣 :rolleyes:

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