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Motorway Pigeons


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Bit late getting out today, 8:30am, so first field to look at was the one I shot last week, there were about 20 sat in the trees, and not a lot joining them so after watching them for a good half hour I moved onto the next fields, not a lot here, this went on for most of the morning so I decided to have my lunch, it was now 12:30pm, whilst sat in the gateway I gave one of the farmer a call to see if he had seen any pigeons, he tells me there's a few showing on the motorway field so off I go, gets to the field and there they were, coming over the M5 and dropping into the field and trees, I reckon about 200-300 birds.

Now where these pigeons wanted was a bloody long walk so I ditched the magnet and all that goes with it and just took a couple of hide poles, net, half a dozen plastic decoys, cartridges, gun and a drink and off I went, they lifted off as I got closer and most went back over the motorway, it was now 1:15pm, within 10 minutes of setting up they were coming back, they decoyed well considering I just had plastic decoys and nothing else, for the next hour and a half I had some nice steady shooting with some testing shots in the wind, at 3:00 o'clock they just stopped and I never seen another bird so I called it a day, I picked up 24 and my kill ratio had improved from last week, 39 shots for 24 kills, still room for improvement me thinks. :yes:

One of the last birds I shot was completely empty as were all the other birds I shot.






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interesting conversion.

whilst out yesterday I got talking with an ornithologist, I have meet him a few times over the years, we got talking about how few pigeons there were this year and he agreed, his main area of study is raptors and their prey, he was telling me that they had monitored thousands of pigeons heading south which started at the end of September and into mid November, I said I had not spotted them, he said they were so high they would have been difficult to see with the naked eye, I asked him if he knew where they were heading, he said more than likely France/Belgium but they should start to head back to the UK next month, he did add that it was unusual to see so many heading south and so high considering we have had a fairly mild winter.

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