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What the police contend with!


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It matters not who they are, or where they are from. What matters is that someone has beaten up an OAP who happened to be in his way and all he got was a three year supervision order against him. They call it 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime'.........makes me sick.

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Some sensible replies at last, thank god for that I was loosing the will to live.


The punchor has mental heath issues, but I still think he needs to be taken out of society for a while.


They showed the shop he goes to on the London news, he may not get a very warm welcome round those parts now :good:

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I just saw this on the news and they showed the guy walking out of court, laughing, :good:


The old guy was doing nothing to harm anyone and a nutter like that comes an clobbers him. The do gooders on the telly were virtually defending the ***!


The poor ******* who investigated this and took it to court must be absolutely dismayed :oops:


The next bit of the blog was interesting about personal development records - I'm just doing mine. All I did was copied last years and changed the dates, I wonder if they'll notice :yes: B)



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The next bit of the blog was interesting about personal development records - I'm just doing mine. All I did was copied last years and changed the dates, I wonder if they'll notice :oops::yes:




Yep, that made me chuckle too, we're just going through this years appraisals at work - let's just say it's a challenging time for all :good:

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Like most of the replies above I too am angered by the lack of law and order in our once great country,but to my amazement I realised that my own feelings of anger at the number of immigrants that are invading britain was tempered, by the realisation that a old guy , whatever his colour was blinded by a scumbag who is a waste of space, the fact that he too was non white means nothing, we have more than enough of our own ( true blue Brits?) , that are doing this kind of thing to all of the decent people in our society, The Mp,s (our masters now, not our servants) and the P C brigade, who seem to be running everything now, should be ashamed.Only God knows whats next we will be ordered to to do to appease these P----S. :good::oops:

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This S*@t gets away with this kind of thing and yet if he was a driver on the phone or eating a sandwich or lighting a fag - he'd get hit much harder with financial consequences and possibly even lose his job :oops: There is no more JUSTICE in Britain these days - these plonkers are steadily losing the GREAT from Great Britain :good:



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well at least a few people read the rest of the blog which was what was intended :good:


The side issue of the bloke being attacked happens every day on our streets and don't let colour cloud the issue as white people can be every bit as bad. The mental health issues are why he got off and all you can hope is that his doctor / Psychiatrist keeps an eye on him and gets him the right help / medication / locking up

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