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Jails for our foreign friends


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I've thought this one through quite well and what we need is another Australia to dump all the scum in. Personally the Shetland Islands or the Isle of Man aren't up to much, we could just cut all links with the outside world and throw them together and leave them to it.

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Should never have been allowed in in the first place :good: . Stop them at the border and send them back to france, holland, belgium and germany where they all came from on route to us and let them sort the problem out.


Mount machine gun nests at the entrance to the euro tunnel and on the white cliffs of dover and any other entry point and give them hell before they get the chance to do something over here.



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If having them all together in a couple of places helps to rid this country of them 1 day sooner, then I am all for it. I agree with little that this government does, but on the face of it I can see many advantages in keeping all the foreigners with "special" needs together.


What gets me is when deportation time comes, and it is decided that the foreigner can not return to xyzland as he would be persecuted and may be killed. Well bloody tough, they should have either have not done the crime, or been clever enough not to get caught.



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I would like to know what proportion of the legal UK population is in prison. News this morning said there were 11,000 illegal immigrants in prison. That is a lot. If 11,000 are in prison, how many illegals are already here? Are there far more illegal immigrants than the Government admit to, or are the illegals a lawless bunch? We are not talking crimes here, we are talking offences sufficient to warrant prison.

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Lads, Lads, Calm down! I have been more against these ?people invading our lands than anyone on this forum, as you can affirm by looking back at my previous posts. but now I see it is all of us being out of step with this Nu Labour Goverment.!!Look, its their right to come here illegally, to claim housing, education, medical care, money to live on,without working, and to go round impregnating young daft English girls, and in their spare time, to mug, rob, drive round in cars with no driving licence, insurance. mot,s etyc. HOW DARE WE COMPLAIN ITS NOT RIGHT?? Hhhmm ? its their human rights ,isnt it?? :good: Pity the next time you get pulled by the cops, it does not apply to you!! you have not the same ? RIGHTS.. :lol::lol:

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Its about time we farmed our prison services out to somewhere cheaper, just like the call centres are doing. I'm sure China, India or Burma could make prisons to hold our criminals at a fraction of the amount that it costs to do it in the UK. I can't think of any downside...

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Its about time we farmed our prison services out to somewhere cheaper, just like the call centres are doing. I'm sure China, India or Burma could make prisons to hold our criminals at a fraction of the amount that it costs to do it in the UK. I can't think of any downside...

Now that IS a good idea



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I personally do not think we do enough for immigrants, come on people the poor things go through hell to get here and look at the way we treat them! We give them a house to live in free health care lots of money and they dont even have to work for it, come on how would you feel if you got treated the same? We should be ashamed of ourselves :stupid: And when in return they rob beat and murder us you say send them home, tut tut

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