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He refused to come back because he wouldn't tick a box? 'it's the principle of the thing' is a sad way to leave something he'd obviously got pleasure out of. It sounds like warnings are given out with good reason but don't have to mean anything in the long term - especially as there's no ban. It seems a bit of a shame for a well respected member to leave like that. My guess is pride may have made it a bigger deal than it needed to be.

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What a shame, very knowledgeable and likeable. 

2 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

It sounds like warnings are given out with good reason but don't have to mean anything in the long term - especially as there's no ban.

I got a PM warning once, I was in the wrong and deserved it. Don’t know if that predates the tick box or if what I received was the equivalent of a referee giving you a final warning before being yellow carded. 

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We don’t discuss other members discipline points other than in this case Walker 570 wasn’t banned.

He refused to accept what he did and rightly or wrongly spat the dummy and walked.

That is his choice to do so.
He is welcome back anytime he decides to accept he was in the wrong according to the rules he signed up to when he joined.


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I'm going to close this topic up.

But just because it's come up twice now, I did look back as couldn't remember what the warning was given for, and it was definitely correct. I like the walker570 and he's bought several lamb boxes from me and we've exchanged many PMs. As above, he's welcome back, but thats a decision only he can make.

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