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No accounting for manners


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I went out locally this morning ,just for a drive about with the old man who is 87 .Let him see our new area we have moved to. I ended up with an amazing  overview of the area up on a hill  so decided to ask the farm close by for a chance to get a bit shooting. Nothing ventured etc. Old time farm proper big hap hazzard kitchen with that old farm House atmosphere and smell. Basically the place had a syndicate on and that was that but they suggested a person close by who had no-one on  shooting. Finally found the place.  A well spoken sour looking  Woman comes out full of attitude from the off  and decides on cutting me short after she is asking me a  barrage of questions, not waiting for my reply to end before starting the next nippy question . She then asks me,in full scowl mode , if i do not feel sorry for the foxes! Bottom line ,a thoroughly unpleasant  individual who admitted she has a shoot syndicate on the land and says her neighbor had no business saying i should try there yet she's chastising me for asking her  if i can shoot foxes---go figure!!  Its an old truth ,but money does not make for character nor integrity. It can be found in abundance in the most obscure places and be absent where you would imagine it was to be nurtured in abundance.

Edited by bishop
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13 minutes ago, old'un said:

Well at lest you have broke the ice with her, .....will you be dropping a bottle off at Christmas?

I suspect i was sent on to her for a bit of a chuckle in hindsight as  her parting comment to me ,after turning her back and walking away without even saying good day  ,was" go back to Mr ----- as he seems to be the mr fix- it in the area". But seriously some folks ,regardless of how far up their gazoo the silver spoon reaches,have ,pure vinegar and venom in their veins with no joy for life it seems. Deep down---i think she yearned for my affection😁

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3 minutes ago, bishop said:

I suspect i was sent on to her for a bit of a chuckle in hindsight as  her parting comment to me ,after turning her back and walking away without even saying good day  ,was" go back to Mr ----- as he seems to be the mr fix- it in the area". But seriously some folks ,regardless of how far up their gazoo the silver spoon reaches,have ,pure vinegar and venom in their veins with no joy for life it seems. Deep down---i think she yearned for my affection😁

She was just playing hard to get, I think you might be in with a chance there. :)

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Touch wood I haven't had to ask to go on someones land for a number of years now , but in our early days me and my brother were looking around and were door knocking fairly often , we came across some rumon buggexx but I can honestly say none of them were the type the op were refering to , alright the odd one was a bit suspicious of who you were but a lot of Norfolk people are like that and a lot of the farms then were a bit isolated , once you got a few farms in that area it became a lot easier as word got about and you were giving them a good service for nothing , and nothing meant a lot to a farmer who didn't like parting with his pennies .

A mate of mine got a perm once after the landowner said at first he can't go as someone else go on now and again , fair enough , they were having a yarn when his wife came running out of the house and said all the lights and the oven that had the meal in had all gone off , my mate who was a self imployed electrican said he will have a quick look if he wanted , he went in and found the fuse box and took all the fuses out , put the mains on and then put the fuses back one by one until it tripped again , he then knew what circut it was on and after testing one or two items he soon came across the problem and I believe it was a piece of cable that the mice had took a liking to , the farmer was very gratfull and said your more than welcome to have a go , in return my mate went and put a new piece of cable in a few days later and as far as I know he still have the Pigeon shooting on the place .

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